Found Asiatic Beetles chomping down on my lovely pepper plants

I noted a few of my pepper plants were missing parts of their leaves & buds/delicate new stems  were eaten,,,thought it was earwigs.Set
beer traps to catch the culprits..Since they are nocturnal pests  I waited for dark last night & to my dismay I found it was not Earwigs,but the horrible Asiatic Beetle eating away at my pepper plants & they were quite a lot of them.Came in & got some soapy water,a set of long tweezers & went to work on the bastards.I was livid.I killed about 50 to 60 & went out 2 Xs after that & found <5...
So night duty again tonight ...I have to get rid of these creatures..I don't want to use chemicals...
I am hoping that by acting  quick I can be rid of them!!
Am I doing the right thing here & will I be rid of them before they proceed on their cycle!? Thank goodness they are easy to see.
Anyone else dealing with these pests?I hope I can report back that I have eradicated them,or vastly decrease their #'s.
Thanks for input...Sandy
Yes I've felt with them to. You could try food grade ditamious earth. The enzymes in it get under their skin and make them shed and they die of dehydration within the day. Also remember the little fu**ers get into the soil during the day and chomp on your roots. Be careful to check for them burrowing into the soil as well.
Pepperhead I will get some of of diatomaceous earth food grade,I believe Home D has it. I  just did a round of removal of the A Beetle,I was able to get most of them before they attacked  my peppers ,I did check the soil on a good # of my pots,(I am only growing in containers)& did not find
any.I believe they just arrived a couple of days I  hope to eliminate them pronto.Its terrible to invest  so much time/money on one's hobby & not be able to enjoy the fruits :) of one's labor,cannot  allow this.
Thanks for reply....time for round #2.
Beer traps are jam jars, plastic cups or any similar container dug into the ground near your plants and filled part way with beer. The fermented wheat attracts plant eating pests, only for them to get stuck and drown or, in the case of slugs and snails, dissolve.
I've never tried it on anything but arthropods but it works a treat on slugs and snails.