Found ProMix BX

For anyone looking, Pro Mix BX is available at Gingerich Feed and Implement in Tawas City, MI at $24.55 per 3.8 cu ft bale.
Just got me one :dance:
That stuff is great! I use something very similar in an unmarked 3.8CuFt bail.
I found a nursery that buys skids of it for themselves and kicks it down to me at $20 a bail.
I add worm castings, (blood, bone, fish, alfalfa, fishbone, feather meal) gypsum and potash
along with a small amount of perlite.
I have been having AWESOEM luck with Fox Farm stuff, but I dont know if I can KEEP doing this at these prices. ($20 a quart. 2-3 teaspoons per gallon.)
I may just go back to Miracle Grow for potted plants, then keep the Fox Farm stuff just for my two hydro plants.
I have been having AWESOEM luck with Fox Farm stuff, but I dont know if I can KEEP doing this at these prices. ($20 a quart. 2-3 teaspoons per gallon.)
I may just go back to Miracle Grow for potted plants, then keep the Fox Farm stuff just for my two hydro plants.
I have some fish emulsion, bloodmeal (12-0-0), some tomato & Veg. plant food (12-10-5) and some liquid plant food (10-15-10).

Now I just need to figure out what and how to best use............. :confused:
Try the Fox Farm "Happy Frog" Dry mixed stuff.
It goes a lot further and the ingredients are listed in my last post along with a ton of beneficial organisms already in the mix.
I toss in a big scoop of TomatoTone, mix it all up, and stick a pepper in it - that's all!

Last year I tried mixing in about 1/3 compost, but the results were not as good as the pots that only had ProMix and TomatoTone. I'm thinking that compost is too heavy/dense and that the peppers really thrive in Promix if you just leave them alone or add some granular.

I use fish/seaweed every 2-3 weeks thereafter.

I've grown peppers in ProMix with no fertilizer at all, not at the transplant and not during the whole growing season, and they grew just fine, with lots of pods.
I also just found some Promix BX in my area & this will be my first year using it. I'm thinking about using self watering containers this year also. So adding just the Tomato Tone is fine? I have some compost & thought about mixing some in, but saw where mega said it didn't do as good as the others. I will also be using fish emulsion every few weeks.
wow nice buy i just bought it and it was $38 a bail i guess i need to get some tom tone also i just stuck the seedlings in it and feed them some seakelp water :dance: they r growing like crazy now had a slow start
Pooper - yeah, I think TomatoTone is available at WalMart, and at Lowes. Not sure about HDepot. Most of the nurseries around here sell it, in the organics sections. I think it's a pretty established product at gardening stores; most should have it. I bought in online in a case, which was a lot cheaper.