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Found these at the super market.

Definitely not bonnet shaped, bonnets are shaped like a... bonnet (hat) with a brim.
They are definitely a yellow chinense but not like any I've seen before. Not bonda ma jacques, most likely a cross or a type of yellow "hab"
They are definitely a yellow chinense but not like any I've seen before. Not bonda ma jacques, most likely a cross or a type of yellow "hab"

Even with the ironic quotation marks I am astonished that you call a not precisely definable chinense a "hab"... :lol:
Armadillo said:
Even with the ironic quotation marks I am astonished that you call a not precisely definable chinense a "hab"... :lol:

No I called them a yellow chinenses and was suggesting that they may be one of many, many varieties labelled as yellow "hab". I don't think there are any real yellow habaneros which is one of the reason why I used the "ironic" quotation marks
I have given up on these seeds being viable. I planted seeds from two different pods, about 20 total and didn't get one sprout. I planted them on March 18th.