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[FR] multi-var hydro and organic.

so im starting this glog a bit late most of the plants have already germinated.
im growing all of them in my room in paris, and as most of you know the rent is really high so i dont have as much space as id like :(
i have 2 separate grow spaces, one is a small 50*50*90 cm box, with 125w 6400k cfl light, which is plenty sufficient. in this growbox im growing only in soil and organic, im more of a hydro guy but they get really too big, plus ive never, ever grew in soil in my whole life so i thought it would be fun to try something different.
im using biobizz all mix which works great, and most of biobizz organic ferts, bio-grow, bio-bloom, and topmax which i use maybe every other watering. i alos use plagron pure zym and canna rhizotonic sometimes.
as for the hydro setup its a 70*50 cm and more than enought height, i have a 300w 2100k cfl light. im running a dwc setup with 2 5 gallons container with 2 dual output 240 litres per hour air pumps, so basically each container has 240 lph airflow with 2 airstones, ive decided to use 2 airpumps because bigger ones are noisy and for reliability issues too.
im using fora series for grow and will switch to flora mato when frst flowers show up, i plan on using topmax as well. im using plagron enzymes during winter, and h202 during summer because it gets really hot in there and enzymes dont mix well with high res temp.
as for growing conditions i have a 18/6h schedule for both grow spaces. humlidity is around 40 and temperature between 25C and 29C
in hydro ec is at 1.2 and stable ph at 5.8.
everything is going good so far except for some spider mites that i regularly have to eradicate.
as far as variety i have peach trinidad and fatalii jigsaw in hydro, cgn 21500, ortega ( anaheim chile), pimenta diomar, and guatemalan orange roccoto in organic.
all seeds were ordered from fatalii seeds ( except for ortega) i was very pleased with germination rates, and also general vigor of the plants, except for a batch of morugas, none of the 10 seeds survived, and they were treated like the others so im pretty sure the problem came from the seeds and not me, i mailed jukka and he assured me that it wasnt his fault which i highly doubt but whatever, the otther seeds were great, plus he gave me a lot of free seeds as gift so all is good.
heres a few pictures:
hydro setup with peach trinidad on left and jigsaw right, it was germinated much later which explains the height difference

organic grow room:
front left is guatemalan rocoto, right is pimenta diomar, rear left is ortega and right is cgn 21500

detail on ortega chile : i had a lot of flower drop, but therye in a small container which might explain it, i obly got 6 pods, but theyre fairly big which im quite happy about, do you think i did something wrong?

cgn 21500 which just started blooming

buds on cgn

stuff ( lots lol)

sorry for hdr pictures but id rather have clear pictures that look a bit fake than the opposite, lights make it sifficult to get good exposure
more pictures here
if you guys have any suggestions, questions, please feel free. i will update every 2 weeks, but will be here more often.
c ya
thanks! yeah theyre all doing great, didnt have any problems so far, i just like to keep things simple, i germinated all the seeds in root riot and in a little incubator, for hydro i just followed standard feeding schedule and for soil i started fertilizing when first flowers showed up, ive been looking around other glogs and thp forums in general and seen a lot of people having issues with their grow which i dont really understand, if correct conditions regaring light nd temperature are provided plants almsot grow by themselves, and even if theres little light or not perfect temperature it still works, i dont understand how stuff can go wrong from there... and i really dont have a green thumb, just knowledge and consistent with watering and feeding :)
also one of my main concerns with this grow was the color temperature for the light, i knew that on some other plants, lower temps like 2700k would promote stretchy growth with long internodal distance, well we can clearly see here that chilis dont seem to mind too much, the lamp in my hydro setup is a 2100k and the plant is extremely short and bushy
weekly update, everything going smoothly, ortegas are starting to ripen, ill pick them up when fully red, blooming is strong wth cgn 21500, a bit of flower drop as i expected, but i already have 5-6 pods forming, i hope to have at least 10, the 2 others are groing fine, the rocoto has a strange shape ( havent trimmed it) but seems t be ok.
in the hydro cupboard i have to say the situation is going a bit out of hand, i really really hope the peach scropion will stop growing and producing buds because hes really too big for me, i want to keep some space for the jigsaw that is much smaller.
ph 5.9 for both, 1.4 for the socrpion ( dropped from 1.7 to 1.4 in 3 days, hes hungry) and stable at 1.1 for the jigsaw.




