• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Frank & Jo's GLOG 2013

Here we go. 2013 will be our first harvest, and we'll share our experience here with you.
We are in province of Québec, Canada, so we are north (full of snow right now) and french speaking, so excuse my future english clumsiness.

We are going to sow in the middle of february indoor, and final harvest is expected for august.

We will have about 60 plants in a greenhouse and about 20 more outdoor.

Most of them will be:
-Ixtapa Hybrid
-Jamaican Hot Chocolate
-Numex Big Jim

And a few plants of:
-Bhut Jolokia
-Royal Black
-Explosive Ember

Stay tuned!
Hey there Hot Pepper People, I thought I'd make an account and introduce myself as the Jo in 'Frank & Jo'. The seeds will be sown at my place
and then eventually most of it will be moved to Frank's (Fatalalanus) place, and planted under the greenhouse in mid-may if all goes well.
Some of it will be left behind at my place because we live a couple of hours apart and I like to have fresh peppers around.
So this Glog will eventually become two Glogs in one, essentially. Hopefully, with double the pictures this should stay updated frequently once the season gets going.
Tag team! Way to go. Many hands make light work :P
It's still pretty early on, but since I recently acquired a heating mat I thought I could maybe start a few seeds in advance, sort of a test run, so that I can identify and solve possible problems with the set-up before I start the whole tray. I'm starting them in rockwool since I heard a lot of praise for it as a growing medium from all kind of people. When they grow big enough they'll be transplanted in bigger cups with soil. It's just a standard plastic tray, the cover was lifted to take the picture. I'm growing under two 22'' T5 full-spectrum lights. Let's hope all goes well. Am I correct in thinking that the medium should be humid (or should it be wet?) at all times, while maintaining decent air circulation?

From left to right : Jamaican Hot Chocolate, Ixtapa Hybrid, Rocotillo, Explosive Ember.

To give you an idea of what it looks like around here in January, here are some ducks taking a swim on a hot snowing -6°C day, after a week enduring -20 to -30°C (we're lucky we didn't get -50°C, like some other parts of the province did.)

Thanks for looking, more updates when things start sprouting.
Welcome to the jungle guys. You've picked the right spot to set up camp....my buddy and I are partnered up on the growing as well.

Good luck in 2013!

BTW what do your names stand for?
Team work makes the dream work!

Good luck on your season, my wife and I are working together on our grow as a duo. More hands = more peppers :dance:

Snow looks nice but hope it clears for you soon
So the tests didn't really work. I left the tray open with the heating mat and lights on for a couple of days (criminal negligence, I know) and everything dried. Got everything wet again and waited for a few weeks. None except one Fatalii germinated, couldn't get rid of it's helmet, eventually lost it and couldn't develop leaves, it probably would have, eventually, but I decided to put it aside and start the whole tray on the 5th of March, and here's the tray on the 12th :


Like a little forest waking up.

I transplanted those that were out of the rockwool to plastic cups in soil a couple of hours ago, here's what the set-up looks like right now :

All mixed up in there are some Habanero, Ixtapa, NuMex BigJim, Cayenne, Rocotillo, Fatalii, Ancho San Luis. I'm still waiting for Jamaican Hot Chocolate and Tabasco, Explosive Ember and Royal Black, none have germinated yet. There are only 29 plants so far, currently wondering where I'm gonna fit the other 50. And so the madness begins...
And so the madness begins...

...at last!

The snow doesn't want to melt, but at least we see some growing.

I want to add that you might see some Hops growing in this glog too, as we ordered a bunch of hop rhizomes.

Brewing bad!
Growing bad!
So it's all going great so far, except this one plant (Ixtapa) that's yellowing and curling up, as such (the one on the right) :

Both are Ixtapas, the one on the left is a day older and much healthier than the one on the right. Not sure what's causing this, maybe possible overwatering? It is the only plant exhibiting those symptoms so I don't think it's anything to worry about, let's hope so haha. I'm using the two cups methods where the one on top has drain holes in the bottom and the one under has water in it, so maybe I put too much water in that particular cup for that particular plant.
The only other thing I can think of is a nitrogen defficiency but surely, in a plant this young, such a defficiency wouldn't make itself apparent yet, right? :think:
Thanks for taking the time to look at this. Until next time :cheers: (where there's probably going to be an update on the set-up, I found an unused 48'' two-fluorescent fixture, only need to get decent bulbs and put something together to hold it in place)
So! I bought a fluorescent fixture and pretty much doubled the space I could hold pepper plants in. I just need to make a cover over the lamps to reflect all that light back to peppers instead of everywhere else.

Also, spring is coming pretty soon, right? Think it's time to take the plants outside?

They're saying we should get some sun on Sunday, I'll believe it when I see it.