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Frank v Doughlah

I am not sure of the correct name but Hot Pooper calls it the Trinidad 7pod Doughlah, I call it "PURE PAIN"

This thing killed me, 1.2m easily. Red bhut, chocolate bhut, 7pod....all taste like a jalapeno when compared to the Doughlah!

Edit: At the end I incorrectly thank Hot Pooper, should have said Thaichilihead...and come to think about it, why thank anyone! If someone punches you in the face would you thank them? I think not :-)

And I missed soccer practice...I was hurting

You my man are now officially INSANE :rofl:

I ate half the little teeny weenie one and knew imediately it wasn`t a very smart thing to do :eek:

You talk abt the smell... deseeded most of the douglahs and started dehydrating them abt an hour ago. Downstairs smells like douglah :rofl: had to put a fan by the window to aviod conflict with the more sensitive of the household :lol:
Nice! I loved the mouth burn of this. The second one of these that I tried that was 3 weeks old was awesome tasting compared to the first fresh one. Looking forward to trying another. Keep up the great reviews!
Very awesome. I finally got someone to eat one of my pods whole on video hahah. Pod size is almost irrelevant with the Douglah; a small one packs plenty heat. It's also a deceptive slow burner and heartburner for me. Congratulations, you survived!
The change in his voice like he was kicked in the cajones when the heat kicked in is the funniest thing I have seen all day!!! You my friend are on the fence of sanity leaning heavily towards the strait-jacket side of the fence. I've never tried the Trinidad Doughlah. How do I get my hands on some of those seeds to grow?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The change in his voice like he was kicked in the cajones when the heat kicked in is the funniest thing I have seen all day!!! You my friend are on the fence of sanity leaning heavily towards the strait-jacket side of the fence. I've never tried the Trinidad Doughlah. How do I get my hands on some of those seeds to grow?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not sure how this puppy was created! Somehow it had n heat for about 30 seconds then it did kick me in the ba11s. I am going to store one for a fw weeks and give it a seocnd try!