seed-plant-vendors FRAUD / SCAM ALERT: Charles William Dafner / Jon Goertemiller

Has anyone on this board dealt with a Charles WIlliam Dafner or a Jon Goertemiller from California?
About 5-6 weeks back, I made a post on THP seeking white pods for a sauce I wanted to experiment with.
I received a number of responses but unfortunately, nobody grew the kind of quantities I would need should I come up with a recipe that worked.
I ws then hit up by a guy whose screen name I cannot recall and seems to have been deleted from my post and private messages.
We chatted briefly and the conversation migrated to FB messenger. He said he grew a variety of white super hots as a hobby and had a nice local following.
He seemed like a good dude and was excited bout possibly having a stable consistent buyer. I agreed to an initial $200 order. He said he would pick the peppers I had chosen and send them out in 5-7 days.
After 10 days or so, I reached out to check in to see if the items were sent to be told he lost my contact info and they were ready to go... No problem, I provided my address again and he ensured they were going out the next day via priority mail. He then proceeded to tell me how the growing season was coming to an end and to see if I was interested in grabbing the rest of the pods from him at a discount, cause he wouldnt have anything available again til mid 2020. I declined as I didnt want to commit any more $$ until i tried out what he sent me first and if i wanted to proceed with this recipe. 
10 days later, i go to check in with him again as it should take no longer than 4-5 days tops for a priority mail package to get from CA to NJ.
His facebook profile has disappeared and I have no other contact info.
FTR, I accept responsibility should this wind up being a scam I fell for. There were a number of red flags which should have raised suspicion, but to be honest, at the time, I was so excited to have possibly found a white super hot source, I didn't go by my normal judgement.
Anyways, we had become facebook friends under his name Charles William Dafner, which is now deleted. The recent pictures led me to believe he was in college or such....
Wehn making payment, he had sent me a payment request that came from a Jon Miller. I immediately asked about that and he said that it was his brothers account and that he did not have his own bank account, which being a high school graduate or early in college, I 'guess' is possible,,,,red flag, yes, but i continued on as we had some decent conversations.
So yesterday, after I see that his FB profile was deleted, I went into a bit of a panic that I had been scammed. I am in the process of filing a dispute/claim with Paypal.
I decided to look up this Jon Goertemiller on FB too with whom my paypal payment went to. He is on there, and it is the SAME pictures that was on Charles WIlliam Dafner's now deleted profile, which leads me to believe that I was indeed scammed. I have not made contact with him as of yet, as I am waiting word from Paypal.
So this is where I stand. I do not recall his screen name on THP at this point, but just wanted to see if anyone recalls this guy has dealt with him or knows him, and bottom line is that if thi is his deal, I am sure he will wind up on here again ready to scam someone else.....
I will learn and move on. $200 , as much as it pains me to lose, wont put me out of business, although my blood pressure may need to be looked at for the next week or so....Be careful out there!
Gemini Crow Sauce Company said:
I ws then hit up by a guy whose screen name I cannot recall and seems to have been deleted from my post and private messages.
Nothing was deleted here. Not a post in that thread, or a PM. And if he deleted his you would still have yours (would say deleted next to it). So the conversation either started on FB, or somewhere else. Or take a look for the deleted one.
did you have him invoice you through paypal? if he invoiced you and you paid using paypal you will get your money back. did he ask you to pay through paypal`s friends & family option so he could avoid fees? if so you are probably screwed. let us kn ow if you get this resolved. 
The Hot Pepper said:
Nothing was deleted here. Not a post in that thread, or a PM. And if he deleted his you would still have yours (would say deleted next to it). So the conversation either started on FB, or somewhere else. Or take a look for the deleted one.
Is it possible that a user name was changed?  Just a thought...
If you didn't use friends and family you should be able to get your money back.
Side note how many pounds and what variety were you wanting? I can't supply it this year, but may be able to plan it for next year.
Another side note when I was in high school I had to make an eBay and PayPal account, I wasn't old enough so they were in my moms name. I still use them to this day, but I can't change the names on them.
Ive heard even if you use friends and family but you have screenshots of him saying he would sell you the stuff they can help. I'm not completely sure though. They might keep their fees