Magnum said:
Hi Nova !
Did i get on the list `? i know its a long trip for the seeda to travel to sweden so they will maybe show up this week
Yes Magnum you got in just in time!
I am sad to anounce that my over supply of Dorset seeds has come to an end. Requests for seeds henceforth will be met by, well no seeds in the mail!
I am glad that i was able to share the chilli love and hope everyone that has or is waiting to receive seeds has some great plants to show off in the near future.
I will end this thread with a funny.
Iv'e got two dogs. I bought a large bag of meaty bites at Big W and was standingin line at the check out.
A women behind me asked if i had a dog.
On impulse i told her that no, i was starting the meaty bites diet again, although i probly shouldn't because last time i ended up in hospital but i had in fact lost 50lbs before i woke in intensive care with tubes coming out of every orifice and IV tubes in both arms and legs.
I went on to inform her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load you pockets with meaty bites and simply eat one or two every time that you feel hungry and that the food is nutritionaly balanced and complete so i was going to try it again.
I really have to mention at this point that practicaly everyone in the line was by now totally enthralled with my story, particulary a guy that was behind her.
Horrified, she asked if if i had ended up in the hospital because i had beeen poisoned by the food, i told her no it was because i had been sitting in the middle of the road licking my dick and a car had hit me.
I thought one guy was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so bloody hard as he was staggering out the door.
Stoopid women, why else would i be buying dog food?