event FREE Fatalii / 7 pot Jonah jelly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome, I hope you like em !

I always liked Jalapeno jelly, so I tho't what could be better that Fatalii jelly. If you like the whole sweet/hot thing it's great if not, then this is not for you.
We eat it on a cracker with a soft white cheese.
One box (2 bottles) to AU = $20.88 NOVA :)

One to Skydiver.

WHEW..... You all better at least PRETEND to like it ;)


I can't see fatalii jelly being a bad thing, so I'm looking forward to it. Simple ingredients prepared well, can't see it being a bad thing.
Katrina said:
One box (2 bottles) to AU = $20.88 NOVA :)

One to Skydiver.

WHEW..... You all better at least PRETEND to like it ;)



Eeeeeek! Didn't think it would be that expensive to get over here! I think i may be sending YOU some sauces to make up for it! :D
Neither of you owe me anything :)

ALSO... I just make and sell things at farmers market, and have no designs on getting bigger. Just wanted to share to see how you all liked it. No need for an official review.


Neither of you owe me anything :)

ALSO... I just make and sell things at farmers market, and have no designs on getting bigger. Just wanted to share to see how you all liked it. No need for an official review.


Cool Kat! Makes me wanna send you something even more! :lol:

Not an official review however Hippy and i will be tasting these in the normal setup that he uses so it will be "half" official! Hope thats ok :)
I'm sure my version of HOT and what you and Neil are used too are worlds apart!

Sauce - 100% organic!
Fatalii / Datil peppers
Kellogg's Breakfast tomato
Black pepper
Lime Juice

Jelly - 100% Natural, organic and NO colors!
Fatalii / 7 pot Jonah

I am sure that they will light us up Kat! I will be buggered if i am doing a "Spoon of Doom" dose of them :)
Katrina's Fatalii/7-Pot Jelly.

OK, uploading the video now.
This jelly...


Insanely delicious. :dance:

Excellent jelly consistency and mouthfeel.

Hot but not overly hot, I'd put it at around a 7 or 8 of 10. Heat is nice and lingering, the sugar balances out the heat very well so you can eat heaps of it.

Vinegar smell is a bit punchy but you can smell the 7 Pot peppers there too. Might just be my nose, vinegar smell always kicks me in the arse.

Taste: Yum. Nice pepper flavor to it, loads of fruity sweetness there from them, but between the peppers and the sugar, the vinegar balances things out nicely so it doesn't taste or feel syrupy. Mellow, I'd call it.

Katrina, thank you SO MUCH for sending this to me to try out.

Tried it with cream cheese, peanut butter, and some of that canned EZ cheese stuff.

EZ cheese, well, it's not great cheese so I wouldn't recommend it.
Peanut Butter: Really good, but the sweetness of the PB and the sweetness of the jelly were a bit much together.
Cream cheese: holy cow that's good that way.

This doesn't just beat jalapeno jelly, it beats it, takes it's lunch money, then goes home with it's girlfriend.
Youtube, when it finishes uploading I'll put it in the hot products/review section.
Would be uploaded by now but I had a BSOD at around 90%uploaded.