free Free Manzano plant

schrade82 said:
Any chance you'd be willing to share some seeds once it produces?  I've had orange manzanos in the past and they were great, but have had a heckuva time getting the manzano seeds I have to germinate the past year or so.
Sure thing. I actually have some already. PM me your address.
Pepper-Guru said:
Ripped the adopted Manzano out of the dwc bucket and threw it into one of the containers with the other over winters. This plant is unstoppable. 

Reminds me of a plant I had a few years back that I gave away.
It was a lot bigger though.
A guy drove here from Arizona to take it home.
It filled the back of his Vehicle.(after trimming it down a little.)
I give all my plants away when I'm done with them...
I was worried about the State Ag. guys taking it from him at a check point.
He said the check point had nobody there when he went through.
Lost touch with the guy.
But he said it was kicking out pods at the time.
I used to pick about 60 pods at a time from it a day in the Spring and fall-we don't have a winter here.
It was grown in Southern Exposure it's whole life.(lots of 100 degree days).
In a 30 gal. pot.
Root room is what Pubes need,roots get hot,buds drop...
Trying to do a mostly Manzano/Rocoto grow this year.
Going to grow C.Cardanansii  between the Pubes.
Smoked Manzano/Rocoto Powder ROCKS!
I love seeing people that have the same attitude as me about giving plants away instead of sending them to the dumpster.
The Pepper Gods will bring you great Karma I'm sure.
Malarky said:
My first pod from the Rescued Manzano seed Guru sent me
cubbieblue82 said:
this whole thread is just awesome! great work, yall.
Mr.CtChilihead said:
I would love a few seeds for next season if either of you two care to trade some?
SavinaRed said:
Rich what does the plant look like now ?
Keep us updated !
Glad to see the wave of descendent plants coming from this rescue! I'll get out and snap a few shots of the Manzano in the garden soon for you guys. Send me a pm with ypur address to get some seeds. 