Free nutrient samples

Haha I have already filled out a few forms for free samples and woke up to several emails saying they are sending free samples.
+1 on this thread!

I sent emails out to all those vendors. I received about 4-6 responses back so far, a few just wanted to send nutes to my local store, a few want to fill out forms, and some just want to send to my home!

This is rockin, not only do I get to test try some new stuff (I LOVE TOYS!) but I hopefully can get a better idea of what nutes are out there and what is best for my little hotties!

Good jorb on this one!
"jessica Spivey' wrote me back saying they already sent me a Nutrient Sample from 'Hyperion'....

I was just like, I am positive you did not, but whatever, thanks anyways. Guess I'll never know.

Perhaps they confused me with another person with my exact address and name. It happens.

Jessica Spivey

Hyperion Garden Supply

sent me a pretty nasty email because of my response that I had not requested nutrients before. I know they probably get frustrated with people requesting samples, but that's not good customer service. I will never get anything from these guys just for the attitude I got from their sales rep. She mentioned she didn't believe I was 'serious'. What!? She said she had shipped samples before, but they needed to be shipped to a hydro store. She asked me for all my information again, (I thought she already had it?) Neither my friend at the store or I have even HEARD of these guys, and I just wanted to see what they were about.

Anyways, I feel kinda bad now, but it rubbed me the wrong way. :/
check out the response I got from this company. Is it worth it to spend $45 for all the stuff I will get or should I pass?

We are glad to hear that you are interested in our products. We do not have free sample kits at this time, but we are working on new "box sets" which will come out early next year. These sets will encompass many products boxed together at a fraction of the regular price. Please feel free to contact me back in a couple of months.

We do currently offer a General Organics box kit if you pay a $30.00 handling fee as well as a UPS Ground shipping fee that ranges from around $10-15. You can view more information about our GO line on our website:

GO Box contains the following:

BioThrive Grow (16oz bottle)
BioThrive Bloom (16oz bottle)
CaMg+ (8 oz bottle)
BioRoot (8 oz bottle)
BioBud (8 oz bottle)
BioWeed (8 oz bottle)
BioMarine (8 oz bottle)
Diamond Black (8 oz bottle)
3" Cocotek Basket (2)

If you are interested please feel free to contact me by phone with your contact and payment information and we can send you out a GO box."
check out the response I got from this company. Is it worth it to spend $45 for all the stuff I will get or should I pass?

We are glad to hear that you are interested in our products. We do not have free sample kits at this time, but we are working on new "box sets" which will come out early next year. These sets will encompass many products boxed together at a fraction of the regular price. Please feel free to contact me back in a couple of months.

We do currently offer a General Organics box kit if you pay a $30.00 handling fee as well as a UPS Ground shipping fee that ranges from around $10-15. You can view more information about our GO line on our website:

GO Box contains the following:

BioThrive Grow (16oz bottle)
BioThrive Bloom (16oz bottle)
CaMg+ (8 oz bottle)
BioRoot (8 oz bottle)
BioBud (8 oz bottle)
BioWeed (8 oz bottle)
BioMarine (8 oz bottle)
Diamond Black (8 oz bottle)
3" Cocotek Basket (2)

If you are interested please feel free to contact me by phone with your contact and payment information and we can send you out a GO box."

I got this one, but it was only $30 (including shipping). I like the product line a lot. You might want to wait and see what other companies send you first.
I got my root pouch samples today. 1 gallon, 3 gallon and 5 gallon. They look pretty good. I'll put something in them this weekend.

I got positive response today after sending yesterday for a sample fabric pot to Root Pouch. following is the discussion:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am currently a container gardener mainly growing chili, garlic and salad plants and have been recommended to your degradable fabric container by several friends of mine after discussing about container gardening due to lack of place for outdoor gardening. Do you have sample of the degradable container so that I could run to test to see if RootPouch is truly right for me?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Joydeep Kumar Dam

and the response from the guy here in germany who is a german distributor for rootpouch.

Dear Joydeep,

I have been forwarded your request to receive samples of the RootPouch fabric containers.
We are the German distributor of RootPouches.
For sure we would love to supply you with a sample pot.
At the moment, we only have the Grey Line in stock, which is a fabric pot series mainly produced for the professional gardeners and nurseries, and not for the retail stores/consumers. The pots do not have the nice single labels. Also, the material looks very much "recycled", and not like the retail-ready material, which is very much felt-like in its appearance.
But the functionality is exactly the same.
Just wanted to tell you upfront, so that you know what you get.

I have #3, #5, #7, #10, and #15 sizes here (the # indicates the rough volume in gallons). #5 and higher are all with handles.
Which size would be an appropriate sample size for you?

You can also call me and we can chat about the pots and the best fitting samples for you.
On your request, I can also email you info material.

Looking forward to your reply,

kind regards
Got some White Shark myco today in the mail, and some 'Dyna-Grow Foliage-Pro plant food (liquid)". It's 9-3-6 and made up of minerals... seems to be like a 'one bottle' hydro formula, but I'm unsure as it convers some bases, but not any fully. I'll probably do 1 tbsp per 5 gallons just for a kick I suppose...lots of nitrogen.

Also, awesome stickers with White Shark. +2
Got some White Shark myco today in the mail, and some 'Dyna-Grow Foliage-Pro plant food (liquid)". It's 9-3-6 and made up of minerals... seems to be like a 'one bottle' hydro formula, but I'm unsure as it convers some bases, but not any fully. I'll probably do 1 tbsp per 5 gallons just for a kick I suppose...lots of nitrogen.

Also, awesome stickers with White Shark. +2
Use foliage pro and their bloom formula for my plants n soil, have not tried it in hydro yet.
Got some White Shark myco today in the mail, and some 'Dyna-Grow Foliage-Pro plant food (liquid)". It's 9-3-6 and made up of minerals... seems to be like a 'one bottle' hydro formula, but I'm unsure as it convers some bases, but not any fully. I'll probably do 1 tbsp per 5 gallons just for a kick I suppose...lots of nitrogen.

Also, awesome stickers with White Shark. +2
I got those 2 also. I also got a post card from House and Garden (Allied Imports) they are requesting I send $13 to cover shipping for some samples. Anyone know what they send out for the $13 and should I go for it?
I'm seriously debating that 50 dollar GO Box, gots all that good stuff, fair sizes too...

I think That's gonnab emy xmas present to myself.
I'm glad that this thread was posted because as I build my business, this is a great resource. I haven't been requesting samples from companies but have been requesting their advice and knowledge. So far the nicest and the most helpful companies to deal with were Botanicare and General Hydroponics. They each spent 30 minutes on the phone politely answering questions and offering advice. Botanicare offered to send a sample bottle of a mix and GH said to check the local store. However, if they don't have anything, call him back and he'll send something my way.

On the flip side, Humboldt Nutrients and Advance Grow were the worst to deal with. Both very unpleasant and seemingly only interested in the "basement entrepreneur". The Humboldt Nutrients rep sounded like she was in a checkout line that was pumping trippy club music and kept making references to something being grown in a closet. The gentleman from Advance Grow seemed to take a personal offense in that I haven't built my greenhouse yet but I have the nerve to ask questions about nutrients. The few minutes I had him on the phone he was completely condescending. I had wanted to hang up on him within the first minute because he stopped me twice when attempting to explain to him what a potential customer is starting with and then had an attitude. But I'm a dick sometimes and bored so I wanted to see how long I can keep him on the phone. Towards the end I asked if they offered smaller bottles at the hydro store other than the 2 gallon botles I've seen there. He asked with his continued attitude "what, are you wanting free samples or something?" I told him no, that's not what I asked for because I'll spend money on your product, that's not an issue. But I don't want to spend money on a 2 gallon bottle if it doesn't work for me. Ehh, whatever.
got an email from X Nutrients telling me they had shipped my samples to the Hydro store. they even sent me a tracking # :dance:

Yeah I got the same email today. Now lets see if the greenhouse they sent it to tries to screw me over. LOL Will know later this week, might have to beat some heads to get my samples.
Yeah I also recieved an email from Xnutes saying their stuff is on the way. Here is a link for some free cloning gel too!!