free Free OP Baccatum Seeds

I've got free open pollinated seeds of some varieties, I've seen newbies like myself ask for. Let me know & I'll send out this week. I've got enough to send 5 batches of each out. Putting a dollar in my paypal ( would be great to cover postage, but not required.
What I have an excess of:
* Aji Pineapple
* Brazilian Starfish
* Rainforest- I don't see much about this pepper, but it's very tasty & has a nice punch without overwhelming heat. Neat looking little pod too. See Nigel's review
PM me if you're interested in any.
Awesome of you to do this. Fall on it, new folks. Rainforest, in particular, isn't something I've seen on many growlists and by all accounts, it's really good. I'm growing out several of the less-common baccatums this season and super stoked about it.
Well, that was quick. Offer closed in 45 minutes. I'll send them out tomorrow.

coachspencerxc said:
Well, that was quick. Offer closed in 45 minutes. I'll send them out tomorrow.
Actually, I have 1 more pack of the Rainforest seeds. Let me know. I've never grown (will this year), but I've eaten the pods. They're good.
chilli whisperer said:
I'll pass,but just wanna say : nice offer! :) I love seeing generouse people,keep it up!
Wicked Mike said:
Awesome of you to do this. Fall on it, new folks. Rainforest, in particular, isn't something I've seen on many growlists and by all accounts, it's really good. I'm growing out several of the less-common baccatums this season and super stoked about it.
Thanks. It repays maybe 2% of the generosity I've received from this site. Fantastic folks, the pepper people.
Peter S said:
I got your Aji Pineapple seeds today. Thank you for sharing those! Was very awesome of you to do that.
No problem. All of mine from the same batch that I planted popped out of the dirt this week.