free pepper contest POLL CLOSED

who was your favorite?

  • Total voters
thanks to everyone that entered yall are awesome and made for a great contest :dance:
remember the top three win :onfire:    T.H.P.   rock the vote.
POLL is not set up how i wanted. "sometimes you bite the bar and sometimes the bar bites you."  oh well this will work.
make sure to notice all links not all videos would post :mope: too much for this  :hot: thread i guess?
 Poll ends tuesday evening "24th" before i go to bed.
once again great job to all. 
p.s. sorry about the crappy poll system. 

i guess only 2 videos will show but the link is up for all.
DAMN! I meant to enter, just never got around to it..... Awesome vids, everyone. I think the baggie kazoo was my favorite. lol

Holy crap! Check out Big Red jamming In A Gadda Da Vida! (originally In the Garden of Eden)

Here is me and Westin (I'm the one with the comb)

It will only do two at a time. I tried, sorry.
this was  a toughie to vote for, since I had to take into account style-as well as the occasional Trinidad scorpion...haha. ;D.
I think for me it came down to my limited experience at hearing other guitar players. I can appreciate all the entries.
But since I had to choose, I flipped a coin between those two.  Westin wins! :clap:  :D  
That being said,  TrueNorthReptiles-you almost won my vote outright because you were the only entry to play your style-and it grabbed my attention several times. :clap:
oCaveman did a nice job on one of my favorite bands of all time, and thank goodness he only played the old stuff, but I think kalimazoop's piece was more technically challenging so he got my vote. 
Good effort everyone.
poll closes this evening.   
my favorite thing about this whole contest is how many times ive gotten to say poll.