powder-flake freezing pods for future powder

was curious , need to freeze some  pods until i can get to them to deseed . best to leave them unwashed and whole , or wash then cut in half ? can't keep up right now with things needing attention .  
I cut off the top off and leave them whole, then freeze. If you normally wash them, they'll be easier to wash before being frozen, just make sure that they are dry before freezing.


Kevin, explain please

"',,the only reason I know of not to wash em is if you wanna ferment"

I like to ferment my sauce. Why not wash? Just trying to understand.



BTW, I wash and store whole with food saver.
definitely wash before freezing.  Kinda hard to wash a previously frozen, now thawed, mushy pod.  Whether to freeze whole or half is up to you.
Side note for drying frozen pods...  The frozen chiles will release a TON of liquid when they thaw out and can cause problems with all the liquid draining down onto the dryer unit.  Either defrost in a colander to let the bulk of the liquid drain away before puting into the dehydrator, or, if you have those plastic trays for making fruit leather for the dehydrator, put that on the lowest tray to catch the juice from the frozen pods.
i dont usually freeze to make powder,  but i do  de-seed the pods and puree them . After that i freeze them in ice cube trays overnight, in the morning i pop them out into a freezer ziplock bag. i use a sharpie to document the pepper type and date. this way you can pop 1 cube into some chili or a soup..
The way i make the powder is to half the pods pull out some of the seeds if needed for next  yr.
It takes me about 1 day to dry pods fully on my back patio.  Phoenix weather is good for that..:) 
I then grab my pepper coffee grinder and  go for it.. the only other thing i have done is add in a food grade desiccant to remove any remaining water.
I wash, decap, halve(allows the visual on ucky insides) then freeze overnight. Then they get vacuum sealed and back in the deepfreeze