So is that midnight tonight? or tomorrow night... As listed it looks like it ends tonight at midnight (after 11:59:59 it becomes 12pm on the 28th as you know).
So is that midnight tonight? or tomorrow night... As listed it looks like it ends tonight at midnight (after 11:59:59 it becomes 12pm on the 28th as you know).
Hey slade, I thought this was between us. Why did you go and tell so many peeps.competition
how long do you think these peppers will stay good since they have been picked allready?
Tomorrow night the 28th at Midnight
Not to be a pain here, but midnight tomorrow is technicaly the 29th
If I were to bid, and recieved a pod that had spoiled, what is your policy? I just ask because I know that conditions may vary in transit, and Florida is not exactly a cool state =(. I would love me some chocolate habs and bhuts though, I wasn't able to get any of my choc habs to start, and didn't have any choc bhut seeds back when I was starting seeds.
1 hour 54 mins left