Fresh Pods Available

Amazing box man great spread and really nice heat in this bunch! Really like the quality of these pods, not a single soft pot in the bunch.

The SBJ7 was wildly flavorful and nice heat.
Also that apocalypse scorpion went amazing on my pizza!


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I would like to ship today before noon Eastern Time, if possible. That's about an hour and 45 min from now.

Thank you!
Are these unlabeled? I'm tempted to get some super hots for hot sauce and if I save seeds I'd like to know what I am growing. Thanks!
Off pheno Brown Moruga, JRGS x Yellow Moruga Plant 1-yellow and plant 2-red, below the red is one Red Congo

Apocalypse Scorpion, Purple Flower BBG Plant 3, SB7J, Aji Charapita, White hab

Correct pheno Brown Moruga, Red bbg7 OG, Bubblegum Pumpkin, Peach Bhut
New box ready...


These are Black Naga x Peri-Peri x ?purple?

I started a seed for an F3 Plant of Black Naga x Peri-Peri from the brown pheno of last years' F2.

They were OP seeds. It crossed with something purple. It's a beautiful plant, but the pods are soft before they're ripe...just like F1 & F2. So the pod on the left has been hanging an extra week. The other two are still green...and already soft. Almost like apple sauce inside an apple skin. If anybody wants any of these included, I can send you green pods and then dried seeds from ripened pods later on.

$18 US & PayPal. I will label them.

Thank you!

The crazy inside of those Black Naga x Peri-Peri x ?

Bhuter I'd like to buy a box of Super Hots. I need to co ordinate another purchase and yours with my friend. It is his PP account so I'm going to ask him to make the 2 purchases. I'm hoping to have peppers from both of you ready at the same time so he can do it once cuz he's busy and doing me a favor.
This box is taken. Thank you!

tjg911 said:
Bhuter I'd like to buy a box of Super Hots. I need to co ordinate another purchase and yours with my friend. It is his PP account so I'm going to ask him to make the 2 purchases. I'm hoping to have peppers from both of you ready at the same time so he can do it once cuz he's busy and doing me a favor.
Hey, bud. I'll pick more tomorrow and let you know if there's enough for a box. Thank you!
The question is more along the lines of will you hold that box for me for a couple of days? I can't be sure when he will have the time to do this having just gotten back from a trip.