Fresh Pods

Hi Guys... here i have some fresh pods i can share with you... small flat rate box... for $20 free shipping...

i have one box of the moruga blend, two of dorset naga, and about 6 of 7 pod jonah...

pm me with shipping info.. or when you make the payment...
using paypal send payment to

the first to be served is the first to reply to this post by saying money sent, and the name of the wanted box

here are some pics of what your will get...


Dorset Naga
Very nice, maybe next year that different 7 pot I sent you will be available.

Still anticipating some more seeds, hopefully soon.
Hey Mike are you ready to try some new fresh pods and make us some of your amazing videos?

I would love to review some of your new pods Judy. I have been getting my stomach ready for the last month in anticipation of the review season starting. Just let me know what I need to do.

Hey Judy ....
You wouldnt have a small box of thows 7primo you posted or 7brain strain ?... just started some seeds of both , its gona be a while till I see pods from either I reckon .
Alrighty then Judy , thanks ... I'll pm ya in two weeks , by the way got the brain strain seeds from ya last week .
Hey judy i was wondering if your going be having any seven pod browns? I am also very interested in some 7 brains, and primos when you have some i will take some since my plants dont have flowers yet.
Hey judy i was wondering if your going be having any seven pod browns? I am also very interested in some 7 brains, and primos when you have some i will take some since my plants dont have flowers yet.

will have some late this season.. the 7 pod brown take VERY long time to turn brown...