free Fresno seeds - free

Went to the farmers market yesterday and bought a bunch of Fresnos. I can send some seeds to ten people for free. I would love to get some super hot seeds in trade if you have any but not it's not required.

If you're interested please post in this thread so I can keep track of the first ten and then PM me your address.
IM interested!
I would love to get some of these also. PM sent.
Count me in too! Thanks!

I've got seeds for you three in envelopes ready to go.


Count me in.
i would like to try these

I need addresses from you three, please PM me.
How many have replied, just in case there's a spot left.

Eight people have replied so there is a spot left for you. Please PM me your address


Still need an address from you.


One spot left for free seeds. I have a bunch of seeds still but will need a SASE to send out any more that the 10 I offered for free.
Got a spot left?
I'm in if any left

I can send you both seeds. PM me your addresses.

Ranger Rick - Tell me about your username and avatar. Were you a Ranger? I was in 1st bat from 94-97. RLTW!

* Edit - Just checked your profile and saw that you are an aspiring Ranger. Good luck man. It's tough, but it made me the person that I am today. I have a ton of respect for anyone that joins the military right now, knowing full well war is pretty much imminent. But anyone that joins the Army volunteering to be a Ranger holds a special place in my heart. The Rangers have been at war for the last 10 years. They are the only unit that has been in constant combat for the last 10 years as well.