Friend taking the heat like a champ

Well, had a after party after we had been out hitting the clubs. One of them had said earlier that he would love to eat a Moruga. So, 4 o´clock in the middle of night is as good as anytime, right? Well he took one moruga and ate the whole thing. Chewed for 30 sec before swallowing and allowed 5 min to go before drinking anything. Well, h sweated just a tad and got some minor heat issues, but that was it. I have never ever seen anyone tolerating heat like that. We were shocked. He continued having in depth conversations and smoked some cigarettes etc. Then he had a smoked buht, nothing happened. So he gave a dried red buht a chance too. All that happen really was some stomach pain after 1.5 hour! So I am flying this dude to Assam next year for the world cup in chili eating contest!  
Well, why don't you make him try some pods when he's sober. Or do you expect him to show there .. err how shall I put this ... maggoted ?
Yeah... I find that alcohol really does help with the pain.... I love to get several drinks under me and then eat a nice cheese-stuffed pod.
Alcohol helps, yes, but not that much. He tolerated moruga and buhts like normal people tolerate cayenne pepper and chiliheads tolerate habs. But yeah, we agreed to do it again sober and to film it  too ;)