Friggin Squirrels!!!

any one else have issues with squirrels digging into their potted pepper plants? its not hunting season yet and I live inside city limits so accute lead poisoning is out of the question.
so far they havent destroyed any plants but I know they are stressing them by digging into the root ball. I have an old ferret cage that I have been growing my most mature super hots in. it has 2 sections and I moves my remaining S H's it to the upper half. but that only accounts for half my plants.
they are going to continue to devistate the unprotected plants less somthing is done.
they hide there nuts in my bed too i think they use the plants as markers and dig right under it  i hate it  there are some granules things you can sprinkle around the ground to keep em away"so they say" ive sen at walmart n garden areas
I'm pretty sure a member here "Spicegeist" puts perlite on top of the soil and that keeps the squirrels from digging in the pots. Hope that can work for you too.

, Walter
the little bastards, they haven't touched my peppers but they keep digging up a sweet pea plant. i go out to the garden and it is pulled out, i put it back into the ground and the next day i come out side and it is pulled out again. so, one morning i waited for the little shit with the hose, as he hit my herb garden, i blasted his little nuts with full power on jet setting and followed him till he left the yard. he must have been soaked. haven't had a problem since. but i am sure he will be back...............and i will be waiting!
I've used Critter Ridder each of the last two years and that has stopped the digging. Keep in mind they're just looking for places to store stuff for the winter.
^this. I'm a bitch as far as a country boy, I prolly only eat 1/4th of the squirrels I shoot. They're just such a constant pest, when shooting one a day I can't keep up. I should eat more, but I drive the carcasses down to near my resevoir/lake to keep the foxes that eat my fowl at bay and prowling a different area. Dressing em is just such a pita.
can squirrels taste capsaicin? maybe some reaper puree injected into some peanut butter balls would do the trick. If I go that route, I will have to set up my trail cam to record the event.
Ever seen a squirrel turn RED?
HP22BH said:
can squirrels taste capsaicin? maybe some reaper puree injected into some peanut butter balls would do the trick. If I go that route, I will have to set up my trail cam to record the event.
Ever seen a squirrel turn RED?
Yo man!! I would LOVE to see that, they can sure taste it, LOL it would be super funny!
Feed them some ripe superhot pods, I'd bet u wont see them back at your plants again (if they really can taste capsaicin).
I had a few corn stalks and them little bastards waited until the corn started coming up then destroyed everylast one.  If I could hunt in my neighborhood, I swear it would be squirrel armageddon in this joint.
HP22BH said:
can squirrels taste capsaicin? maybe some reaper puree injected into some peanut butter balls would do the trick. If I go that route, I will have to set up my trail cam to record the event.
Ever seen a squirrel turn RED?
I once fed a squirrel a miniature peanut butter and 1,000,000+ SHU hot sauce sandwich.  The amount it ate would have laid me out for an hour, but that 1 lb squirrel didn't seem to mind.  It was a total failure as a repellent.
They have been digging in all my potted plants too.  It doesn't help that I have a chestnut tree in the yard which draws the whole neighborhood's squirrels.
I had a small problem with squirrels earlier in the summer, then they stopped for awhile, but the other day I found a small hole with a peanut shell at the bottom so it looks like they're at it again!  Time to break out the air rifle once more, next stop: squirrel jerky!
I have a walnut tree that produces rather profusley. came home today and one had climbed down into the cage and messed with my large reaper. Needless to say, but I will anyway. that pushed the rules of engagement to defcon 6.
looking for a silencer for the shotgun!!