From Northwest Florida barnetmill

Hi, to all. I am barnetmill from northwest Florida. Mostly interested in growing things to eat, but have an open mind about most anything else. I have a fruit orchard of mostly pears and persimmons because they are easy. Have some stone fruit, citrus, chestnuts, loquats, berries, and even a few medlars. My banana plant is iffy due to our winter.
Was recommended to this site by a fellow that used to be on a 1911 forum and he said he was leaving and recommended that I come here.
You're gonna love those tomato's.
Have you started any bitter melons?
I was being a little careful about how much I said here. I do not know the rules of this forum yet and I have had things deleted elsewhere when saying too much in the intro section.
Yes they are going and one is now a small vine with flowers and will soon be a big vine. Viability of your seeds is very good and I only planted some of them. I saved some for next year or maybe this fall. Soon our nights will be too warm for tomatoes flower to fertilize. I have gotten fall tomatoes here once from Roma tomatoes by planting by my creek since cooler air at night will move downhill.
Typically people also plant winter gardens here.
What grows real well here are pears. Below an olton brousaurd hybrid. Has touch of fireblight on it this year.

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