pics From plant to product in 1 day. Bhut Jolokia. Updates throughout the day. Suggestions needed. Pics i

Hi all.
I have around 4-5 bhut plants. All of them are from different vendors and are at different stages in life cycle. I have one plant that seems to be begging to be harvested while the others are not ready. I feel that I have left these pods on long enough (if not too long), mainly due to being indecisive about what to do with them. 
Choices are:
1) Dry via dehydrator. (suggestions needed. have dehydrator but have never dried anything before)
2) Pickle (have some experience pickling and my own brine recipe. never pickled whole peppers OR super hots before)
3) Freeze for later use in making sauces ect. (already have a small stash of frozen bhuts that these can be added to)
4) A combination of the above.
Photos of plant:




Will be pulling them off soon. Suggestions needed! :)
Beautiful pictures. Which will you get the most use out of? I wouldn't have much use for pickled superhots, but you may. I've got a some in my freezer & have used some for sauces this winter, but I use powders people have given me everyday. I've never dehydrated peppers myself but have big plans this season.
You could freeze them now and dehydrate later if you choose.

Personally, I'd keep a few fresh, because you can't unfreeze them and get the fresh back.
What do you use them for most Kwest13?
If you dehydrate you can:  grind into powder for many uses OR rehydrate later to make sauce
If you freeze you can: use frozen pods in sauces/other dishes OR dehydrate frozen powder to make powders
If you pickle you can:  eat pickles.  you can use the brine in other dishes too I guess.  Since you have some experience with this I'd suggest giving it a shot though I wouldn't pickle the bhuts whole - I'd cut them into rings first. 
Most versatility would likely be freeze or dehydrate.  To dry them cut the pods in half or quarters and dry over low-ish heat (I do mine around 100 degrees).  Give them a few days (3-5) - they keep best when completely dry.
Best of luck and great looking pods you have there!  :)
SmokenFire said:
What do you use them for most Kwest13?
If you dehydrate you can:  grind into powder for many uses OR rehydrate later to make sauce
If you freeze you can: use frozen pods in sauces/other dishes OR dehydrate frozen powder to make powders
If you pickle you can:  eat pickles.  you can use the brine in other dishes too I guess.  Since you have some experience with this I'd suggest giving it a shot though I wouldn't pickle the bhuts whole - I'd cut them into rings first. 
Most versatility would likely be freeze or dehydrate.  To dry them cut the pods in half or quarters and dry over low-ish heat (I do mine around 100 degrees).  Give them a few days (3-5) - they keep best when completely dry.
Best of luck and great looking pods you have there!   :)
Am definitely interested in pickling some. I have a couple of really small jars for this to experiment with. I will be cutting them into rings. I'll probably use my standard brine recipe and add bigger cuts of fresh garlic.
coachspencerxc said:
Beautiful pictures. Which will you get the most use out of? I wouldn't have much use for pickled superhots, but you may. I've got a some in my freezer & have used some for sauces this winter, but I use powders people have given me everyday. I've never dehydrated peppers myself but have big plans this season.
I really don't know what i'd get the most use out of because these are super hots. I've pickled non super hots mainly, and also cooked with fresh pods. I have made sauces out of other hot peppers but they are still fermenting so i've yet to have any results with that.
Are dried ghost pepper pieces fun to munch on alone?
Kwest13 said:
Are dried ghost pepper pieces fun to munch on alone?
If you like really hurting yourself.
Personally, I freeze all my superhots until I get around to dehydrating them or making sauces. They are generally too hot to eat straight so there is no harm in freezing them.
I don't pickle them by them selves, but I do use 1 ghost per jar of pickled cucumbers. 1 pepper is plenty for the whole jar.
Bhut Jolokias are a lot thinner walled than jalapenos. I pickle jalapenos all the time but I don't think you'd get a satisfying crunch from the ghosts. Of course, it's up to you. Because the are thinner walled, they are easier to make into powder or flakes. 
Jeff H said:
If you like really hurting yourself.
Personally, I freeze all my superhots until I get around to dehydrating them or making sauces. They are generally too hot to eat straight so there is no harm in freezing them.
I don't pickle them by them selves, but I do use 1 ghost per jar of pickled cucumbers. 1 pepper is plenty for the whole jar.
Hmm. Maybe I will dry a few. Pickle a couple. And freeze the rest.
Off the plant and rinsed:

I've learned a good amount from this thread so far. I may decide to freeze most of them instead of pickling or drying; at least at this point. Thanks for all replies so far :)
I vote for drying. I have some from 3 seasons ago that are still great. Can throw into a ferment or pot of whatever or grind into a quick powder. Gorgeous pods!