seeds From seed on April 2nd....

It's been a long time coming and we made some mistakes (a lot of mistakes) along the way. We're finally seeing lots of peppers pop up on our y. vectura plant. Nothing else has pods yet but this plant is poppin' them out like she's the octomom. 
This is our first year trying any kind of indoor growing at all. Neither of us has experience with plants in any capacity. Next year we're looking forward to correcting those mistakes in the beginning and really expanding the operation.
zephyr said:
It's been a long time coming and we made some mistakes (a lot of mistakes) along the way. We're finally seeing lots of peppers pop up on our y. vectura plant. Nothing else has pods yet but this plant is poppin' them out like she's the octomom. 
This is our first year trying any kind of indoor growing at all. Neither of us has experience with plants in any capacity. Next year we're looking forward to correcting those mistakes in the beginning and really expanding the operation.
Looking good neighbor!
I'm in the Merrimack River Watershed just south of the Cowhampshire border.