From the Garden jal/hab (2p)

Shot these two pics today. The habanero's are large. Much larger than what I grew last year. There's about a dozen that are orange but don't want to pick a batch just yet. Maybe sneak one or two here and there. The jalapeno's are producing wonderful peppers, good flavor and decent heat, but the plants this year don't have as many per plant as last.



My pepper eating season begins with hiccups so violent I nearly swallow my tongue and my diaphragm screams for mercy. I'm past that stage and ate four of them for lunch.

Gorgeous jalapenos! I 've been eating them red and roasted lately, store bought unfortunately! None of mine are ripe yet, what part of the country are you in?
Congrats on the nice peppers!! The painful pepper eating season begin, woot!!!!!!

I've got about another week or two until all my green habanerros and jalapeneos should be matured and ready for consumption.
those jalapenos look great, what kind are they ?

I'm still waiting for my chile cycle to kick in (having them ripen) I have the super chili giving me ripen ones now, also some hab types are getting very close to be ripe ;)
cheezy, thank you! It's a treat growing these peppers. I'm at the north end of the American Bottoms, Alton, Illinois.

Pepp3r, thank you! I've still got plenty of green peppers but enough have turned to start breaking the ice. Is the anticipation taking its toll on you yet? LOL I know it's an agonizing wait for me.

chilehunter, I bought these jalapeno's at a nursery down the road. The marker said Tam so I reckon it's the mild variety. They've got a pretty good bite! So do my banana peppers. I've been letting them turn to red/near red and the heat has surprised me.

The only jalapeno's I've seen around here all have Tam on the label. The habanero's don't have any variety types mentions but I'm guessing they're all the Orange type. I might purchase seed for next year's season. G'luck with your peppers. Pics soon?
nice looking peppers. my habs were not very prolific this year, unlike last year. but i have jalapenos coming out of my...well, you know. i am up to my ears in peppers as i planted five rows of 13 different varieties this year. not many disappointments, except the habs.
Thank imaguitar! About an hour ago I went out and picked 15 habs. I couldn't wait any more. Will be making two batches of jelly tomorrow. I selected the 10 best for the recipe (pic below). As I'm sitting here I'm nibbling on one. This is some serious enjoyment!

Thanks razy! Sorry your habs aren't doing well. Funny, my deal is just the opposite. My habs are doing great! The jalapenos and hot banana's are giving good tasting peppers but their not prolific and the plant size isn't near what it was last year. Sounds like you've got a good selection though.


Took this pic about an hour ago. This is for the first batch of my habanero/raspberry jelly of the year. I just finished one of the habs. Ate it right off the stem. The sweat is just pouring off my head. I'm guessing these are Orange habs but they have a more fruity flavor than the ones from last year. Those had a decidely citrus tang. Good even heat. Builds quickly, but not explosive. A steady increase till your ready to cry Uncle, at least for me. After it peaks it lingers at a decent level.

The pic is pretty close to actual size.
Pepp3rFreak said:
Very nice! I wish I had some ripe habs to nibble on, ugggh the wait is killing me:lol:
You and me both bro. I was just sitting infront of my peppers today, just watching them gorw....soon my babies will be ready..soon.
razyrsharpe said:
nice looking peppers. my habs were not very prolific this year, unlike last year. but i have jalapenos coming out of my...well, you know. i am up to my ears in peppers as i planted five rows of 13 different varieties this year. not many disappointments, except the habs.

Don't despair, most of my habs are just now kicking it in gear, and I expect to arrive home from vacation to a bounty. By the ned of August I bet you're over flowing with habs. The fall is when they really kick it around here.

My sister and I will probably take some peppers out to the Camden Farmer's Market this fall...more for fun than'll have to drop by and we can swap pepper stories and maybe some peppers.
Tks Pepp3r!, chilihunter!, and Pam!

There's about 20 or so habs that have good color and a couple hundred or more green ones, and blooms still appearing. 10 plants in the garden sounded good at the time. 8 more in containers sounded even better... and then I see/read about others who have way, way more than me. I reckon I've got it easy :-)
Those Orange Habs are just stunningly beautiful! Will give your jelly recipe a shot - maybe I will try it with blackberries and rocotos instead, though...:shocked: