If I had to pick between the two, I would dehydrate peppers because we have been known to loose electricity for long periods of time. Being out in the middle of no where, we are low priority for repairs because very few people on the same branch.
Fortunately, we dont have to choose. We depend on dehydrating (peppers, tea, spices, herbs), freezer and canning. Without the freezer, I'd have to can things really soon after harvesting. Often it is so hot at that time that if I fired up the water bath or even the pressure caner my family would revolt.
Have jams in the pantry which contain herbs I dehydrated and fruit I froze before using a pressure caner to put up. I use water bath too, but mainly for things the pressure caning will turn to much.
Putting up food is as addictive as selecting variety of peppers to grow. Just now experimenting with premixed things for the vacuum packer.
ColdSmoke said:
I'm thinking about freezing some peppers. Should I just remove stem and vacuum seal?
I remove stem and wash before freezing. Have used zip lock and vacuum sealing. I have not had hot peppers in there long enough to notice a difference. Sweet bells and other vegies do seem to do better when vacuum packed, but I -think- it is just a color thing. The colors seem less vivid when frozen in zip lock for longer periods of time. Have not noticed a taste difference and the texture is ruined by the freeze about the same.