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Frozen Seeds Viable OR Seed Request

Hello all. I grew some Ahi Amarillo Type1 peppers a cople of years ago and cannot find the seeds I saved. NOW I cannnot locate these seeds anywhere. I can find the type 2 but they are smaller and dont have the same taste. The type 1's get abuout 5-6 inches long about 1-1.5 inches in diameter and turn bright orange when ripe. Bushes get about 4' high.

ANYHOW, I had got some frozen ones from a market in Chicago while there and was going to try to plant the seeds since there did not appear to be any ice inside the peppers. Well, after cleaning them the wife put all my seeds in the freezer and everything is a frozen block. So 2 questions:

1- Do you guys think there is a chance that the seeds might still grow despite being frozen this last time?

2- If not DO ANY OF YOU HAVE some Ahi Amarillo Type 1 seeds I can buy or know someone that does? They are used extensively in Peru and are just great.

Frozen seeds will still sprout. The Chile Pepper Institute recently introduced the New Mexico Heritage line of peppers based on seeds that were cryogenically frozen at a Colorado seed bank. And if they don't work, I have seeds.
There is a big difference between cryo seeds and ones that were frozen in a house freezer.
Cryogenic seeds have excess moisture removed so when frozen the cells do not burst and damage the seeds, some of the ones frozen normally will have this moisture and therefore will be damaged when frozen.
One would have a much better chance of success with seeds that came from pods dries at the right temp and then stored at a lowered temp.

Depending what state they were frozen in you could have zero germ up to approx 90 percent.
i bought some frozen scotch bonnets, saved about 100 seeds and not 1 germinated. i thawed some about 3 weeks ago and sowed about 35 seeds. i have a tray of 9 in my heated germination chamber and the rest sitting on my kitchen table. none have germinated. by now, if the seeds were viable one would think at least 1 would haved popped by now.

others like fresno and other annuums i have pulled from my freezer and they have grown. some had been frozen for a couple of years.

dig them out and give it a try.
Thanks, yeah thats kinda what I was adfraid of. Waiting 2 weeks to only find out that wont grow. Does someone actually have this variety I'm looking for??? About three years ago or so uyou could find them online whic was where I got them. For some reason I cant find them now and two places I did fid them have said sold out for more than a year.
Well I didn't see it listed at any of the seed banks I use, but here's a site that sells em dried. May be worth a shot. If the pods don't look or taste right then you know not to waste time with the seeds, and if they do taste right, then you should have more seeds then you'll know what to do with. There dried so they should be viable.

Thanks Cap I'll check out that link. Can't tell what type they are. Midwest, you said you had seeds??? Are they the kind I'm looking for? If so, how can I go about buying some from you.
Check out the link in my sig. I think I have them listed in my store. How many do you need? I am currently experiencing germination problems with the stock I have, which I got from Beth at peppermania. I may be in the market for some too.

Thanks Cap I'll check out that link. Can't tell what type they are. Midwest, you said you had seeds??? Are they the kind I'm looking for? If so, how can I go about buying some from you.
Carito, I just checked out my store and realized that I don't have the Aji Amarillo listed for sale. Send me a p.m. with your address and I will send you some or if you want to send me a SABE that would work too.