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Fruit flies!

They're going apeshit for my pepper plant. It's like a biblical plague or something. Any ideas on how to get rid of them? Vinegar in a cup next to the plant is doing about nothing.
man I have the same thing going except they are some sort of house fly.... never seen anything like it. I'm not sure if they are even harmful to the plants but they can't be good right?
Its a nightmare they destroy plant and fruit so quickly. What I normaly do is pick off the fruit they have got to. Bag it and bin it or burn. Cover with a very fine meshing from top to bottom,Weight the bottom down of the netting down. Could also try an eco spray or set a couple of sticky baits in the area. Hopefully thats some help. Nothing worse than cutting into a chilli and one of the larve is munching away in it
Fruit flies or fungus gnats? I'd bet it is the latter. If you have a young plant,you could have problems. Older plants are more resistant to getting the tender roots eaten off.

Search for fungus gnats and you will get more than you can read.
I have found the best way to get rid of 'fruit flies' is the following:
Step 1: Find empty container (cottage cheese...sour cream...etc...one that you already plan to throw in trash)
Step 2: Remove container lid (save)...fill with anything to attract the flies (watermelon...banana peels...kiwi skins...anything with a fruity aroma)
Step 3: Cover container with plastic wrap nice and tight across the top (secure with rubber band or tape... anything to keep the plastic wrap sealed)
Step 4: Poke holes in the top of the plastic wrap with a toothpick...the flies will be able to get in...but not out...muahahahah
Step 5: Once you are satisfied with the qty of flies you have caught....place lid back on container and toss in trash....rinse and repeat if needed
Fungus Gnats: There are a number of things you can find through a quick google search as Jeff H has stated.  Here is a quick list of things that might help a bit.
1.  Keep watch of your topsoil moisture...fungus gnats like that moisture..but I believe they don't go too deep.
2.  I have used a tacky yellow tape strapped across my pots (adhesive side out) to catch a bunch.  This will only catch the adult flies.
3.  If you are manually watering your plants...Try soaking part of a 'mesquito dunk' in your water
4.  I have heard of many other methods as well....using potatoes...etc
Hope this helps!