sun Full sun or partial sun?

nice pink eureka lemon! ive got one as well.

we're growin a bunch of the same varieties this year. best of luck to you!

keep it green :cool:
Beautiful garden! Your plants look very healthy, best of luck to you this year! My uncle lives in murrieta so I know how hot it gets over there.

I'm careful about the "full sun" recommendation for peppers......

IMHO, full sun is ok for some peppers, but it gets hot as hell where I live.

I like to container plant and let the peppers tell me where they want to be.

Sometimes, it's in partial sun. Some varieties don't care but some do.........
Depends what part of sthe state you live.... If i lived in a desert area, i would try and give my chile plants some kind of protection from too much sun. If you are closer to the coast, i would worry less, since the afternoons stay cooler. Just find people here that are close to you home... im sure they will have better answers :D
nice pink eureka lemon! ive got one as well.

we're growin a bunch of the same varieties this year. best of luck to you!

keep it green :cool:
Beautiful garden! Your plants look very healthy, best of luck to you this year! My uncle lives in murrieta so I know how hot it gets over there.


Thank you...


Strawberry guava

Persian lime

Silver queen corn

Some overwintered peppers


Black Krim

Red onion
Update, all of them are killing it. Had a nice little harvest at the end of July. They went dormant for August and the beginning of September but are producing fruit again. I've been drying most of them out to make my dry rubs. Will post pics when the pods start to show some color...