pests Fungus, bug droppings or black gold?!

Noticed some black dots on a few of my plants flowers. Cant really tell what it is, tried to do some searching online but they look like they are on top of the leaves, not in the leaves. Any thoughts??

Bug sh*t lol wipe it off if its bothering you :P your plants will be ok :D
// can even see part of a bug on the second picture, a suspect? looks like ant part but who knows maybe its not the imposter in question haha
Chilima said:
Bug sh*t lol wipe it off if its bothering you :P your plants will be ok :D
You get to worried when you find a website like this and every cares about their plants and the grow bad @SS plants! You don't want anything to happen to your babies!
D3monic said:
Probably bug poop, pinch the affected leaves off if you're worried about it. 
Your probably right, ill keep an eye on it and if it gets worse ill pinch em!