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Fungus? Disease?

OK, found this splodgy brown stuff on the bottom leaves of a Trinidad scorpion, can anyone tell me what it is, is it dangerous, what action should I take etc?


Looks like some sort of of bacterial leaf spots. I see the same problem on mine when its too moist.
Could just be dirt from splashing as mentioned above. Does it come off?
Hmm, I would feel ridiculous if it was just splash back! Although I'm always pretty delicate whilst watering? It rubs off yes, leaves a kind of dark stain.
Not a problem. We all panic when it comes to our babies. :eek: If you are using a hose to water, then that is probably what it is. Keep an eye on it and keep the moisture under control. All is not lost ;)
Looks like dirt to me. Don't feel bad, I get caught by this every year. Heck several times. When ever I see those spots I always check to see what it is. So far it's always been the growing medium that has been kicked up by watering or rain.

Best of luck to you.
It does look like splash back, Try a mulch and water at the base. Spray feed the folage and water the soil with a seaweed tonic.
Hopfully the new growth will come out fine.
Id also back off on any major fertiliser just to see if you are giving them too much loving.