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Fungus Gnats Softened?

One of the fastest and easiest ways to cut down the population of fungus gnats in a container is to use a vacuum cleaner.
Stir up the pot and when they all fly around vacuum them up.
It seems to work, about 30 min after tossing some lavender on the surface, most have left....

Ah, that's worth knowing!!

I had loads hanging around, and read on here that they were bad news, so i used Hydrogen Peroxide to get rid of them.
But eventually they came back... but they have been around now for at least a month, but i have yet to see any problems with the plants.
What are FG meant to do to harm the plants, as pretty much all of my plants have these hanging around them, but are looking really healthy still....just curious!?

One of the fastest and easiest ways to cut down the population of fungus gnats in a container is to use a vacuum cleaner.
Stir up the pot and when they all fly around vacuum them up.
Damn, that's a really obvious one now that you've mentioned it! Nice one CG! :D
Could be the weather, but just checked them again before bed and the every other day misting and only saw three or four gnats moving around after misting.... If it wasn't just from weather changing, dried lavender sprinkled on the soil and lightly misted works pretty good at repelling them....
I am using crushed mosquito dunk in water and also sticky tape to kill those bastards right now.
Chileaddict had it right, use mosquito dunks and be done with them. I watered my seedlings with it every week or two, just to make sure they never came back.

It contains bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, an otherwise harmless and natural ingredient. One package of the stuff goes a long way.