Funniest pepper vid I've seen

Sorry if someone else has posted this before but I just saw it...
They look more like fresnos or jalapeno than bhuts ;) I'd like to see him eat a real super-hot, actually I'd probably rather just watch Neil
My favorite part is when he's mumbling about it going up his nose (when his mouth was full of whip cream). That made me laugh real good.
At 45 seconds you can tell its an annuum chile which leads me to believe the whole thing is BS and staged. Good try Chet
At 45 seconds you can tell its an annuum chile which leads me to believe the whole thing is BS and staged. Good try Chet

It looks a whole lot like a Basil plant at .43 seconds. Doesn't look a like a Bhut in his hand to me either. Funny, but total BS for the camera.
Ok guys, I think this is a commercial for beer. I know it sounds crazy but I found this

You'll see in the middle of the vid I posted when he opens the fridge door, its stacked with beer. I think thats the advertising part of it... so ya its gotta be BS for sure but it IS funny :)