• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

So it's official.


The 2014 season has just begun.

I planted the first six, on the right, 7 days ago. The second six a few days later.

First up is c. pubescen Canario.

More details later.
JJJessee said:
How was the Hab?
But more importantly, how was the SN Extra IPA?
Good luck on the plant-out this weekend.
The hab was yummy. Decent heat even, or my tolerance is just low. Didn't hang around to long but did give a good all over mouth burn before it faded. Only a slight chinense taste. Was quite fruity.
The torpedo was on point. Great stuff there! I'm a sucker for any hoppy beer, and love IPAs. That one is great tasting.
MisterBigglesworth said:
If SN Torpedo Extra IPA  = Habanero;
then  SN Pale Ale IPA = Tabasco.
:P :drunk:
P.S.   Love the shade cloth idea!   Definitely adopting that technique.
Lol. Funny how math adds up. ;)
Shade cloth is prefect for hardening. Took it of today and let the plants get direct sun, in the most brutal time, and they were good, only showing signs after a hour. I covered them back up and the few that were effected returned to there previous state.
Thanks for stopping in & a laugh!
PaulG said:
I'd be happy to send rain to all of you in return for some 75 degree weather!
Next week I'll be complaining about the heat and having to water because my
irrigation is not set up yet!
Gotta love growing peppers!
I hope your plan to plant out this weekend comes to fruition, Jason!
Love growing about anything, pepper especially!
It rained off and on all Saturday. I did put two plants in the ground today though. Small steps. :D
maximumcapsicum said:
The weather here has been phenomenal. Ironically I was in Chicago for most of it. Got to see the results when I got back.
Summer is on its way Jason. Ripen some pods already!
Everything here has grown like crazy after the hot week and now some good rain. Glad your back safe and sound Adam!
Picking a ripe pod in the morning to try a work with a few guys, speaking of ripening pods. Will post details.

So this what most of Saturday looked like for me.

So I ended up at the kitchen table potting up seedlings. Got everything done.
This was round two.

It got a little ridiculous. I really seed bombed this pellet. That's 25 tepins that all got separated.

After that I took my fermenting peppers and made a sriracha. A orange Thai sriracha to be exact. Turned out pretty good. I threw in a few other chinense, some thai, and other Asian type peppers in the mix, but 95% orange Thais. Easily twice the heat at a minimum, and yummy orange Thai flavor.


Thanks again Annie for the large orange Thai peppers!

PI 441598 cross F3 pod. The F2 also showed the purple suntan. Also muddy clay hand and cool water droplet.


Another one here. Beautiful pods. Hoping these will also be peach.


Yellow bouquet

Aji white fantasy

Facing heaven

And my reaper cross.
Damn man!  25 Tepins in one cell :rofl: That's funny as hell!!!  I just can't get over how many pepper plants your gonna have this year.  Hopefully you get to make some $$ at the Flee Market or Farmers stand this summer.  I wish some of that rain would have stopped at my place before heading your way.  I've been  :pray:  for rain.  
OCD Chilehead said:
Lots of rain. Good to see your keeping busy. Cool Tepins. I had 1 out of 20 sprout. You had 25 in 1 pellet sprout. Reaper cross looks tasty.
Lol. I was a bit surprised. Last time I counted there was 12 or so in that pellet. Every seed must have germinated.
At least you got one!
I hope that cross is tasty. Afraid of the heat already. ;) It will be pod #2 of the year.
Jeff H said:
Nice update. I guess you really wanted a tepin to sprout :D Rain is good, but I'm seeing that you have a lot of plants inside that didn't get to take advantage of it.
Those definitely missed the rain. They would have gotten the beat down. It dumped at one point on sat.
Thanks Jeff. Hoping to get some planting done this weekend. Those tepins where ready to grow. I think I broke open two pods and dumped most of the seeds in it. I really couldn't believe that there where 25 seedlings in there. Had to get a shot of that!
PaulG said:
Looking good Jason.  How big do the mature P!442598 cross get?  
Mine show the purpling as well.  It's a very pretty plant.  The pods
on the Aju white Fantasy are interesting, look like little bells.
Thanks Paul. Last years F2s didn't exceed 3 feet in plant height. That F3 is showing a similar growth habit. I have 3 F3s going so can't wait to see if the others also show the purple suntan. I saw yours had that trait too. Hoping both of ours go peach!
Jamison said:
Damn man!  25 Tepins in one cell :rofl: That's funny as hell!!!  I just can't get over how many pepper plants your gonna have this year.  Hopefully you get to make some $$ at the Flee Market or Farmers stand this summer.  I wish some of that rain would have stopped at my place before heading your way.  I've been  :pray:  for rain.  
Definitely a lot of plants. Maybe will make some of my money back, maybe not. The Mrs is worrying about that part. My part is to just grow them!
We got a good dosing of rain here. I tried to blow it back your way, but just got wet trying. :D
meatfreak said:
Love the texture of the reaper cross, really vibrant red color also. Now I'm bummed that I didn't grow the PI 441598 F3, it looks great and the shape is different from last year pods isn't it? Yellow Bouquet won't disappoint you :)
Yes Stefan! Good eye. The shape is not quite the same. The newer pods are showing more variation, but nothing like the F2s. I am happy to see the purple suntan. That didn't happen to the other two red phenos. So that's a good sign!
No worries on this season. Will get you some of this seasons seeds for next. ;)
Looking forward to the bouquets! I have a couple baccatums going and that one got planted first. Might have to let it get jiggy with the aji wht fantasies.
windchicken said:
Looking good Jason  :dance:  There's so much to see herelike 6 FlagsIt's going to take me a few trips to see it all  :P  Snakes, Reaper Crosses, and those dang Jigsaws. WOW
I love your shade tent!
Thank Gary. I heard some had a shade tent, and had to have one. Wonder who that was? :D
I got my hands full again this year. Finished up the expansion and just need more time in the day. And a younger less broken body while I'm at it!
Glad to have you in, caught up or not.

And that jigsaw... First pod of the season!

Yep. Time for fresh peppers on denim. Picked and in to the car heading to work.

Then sitting, just waiting to attack me come lunch time.

And finally...

Being a early season pod and having spent most of its life inside... I didn't expect this one to be a record holder.
It was much tastier that I expected. Really yummy, somewhat tart, fruity taste until the heat set in. Wonderful addition to my lunch. Had two other guys sampling it with me. They both enjoyed the flavor too. The heat had periods of intense stinging pain when you got some of the placenta cover wall. And way thicker wall that I expected too. The bottom half with less placenta was just great tasting with good heat. We killed it off with no problem. I do expect the next round to set to be much hotter, the humidity and temps are up, but in all... A really nice pod!

Also wanted to share my choc barrackpore #2 overwinter. Only the side shoot came back. Those were awesome tasting pods!

Some color coming on the brown bhutlah SLP.
GA Growhead said:
Thank Gary. I heard some had a shade tent, and had to have one. Wonder who that was? :D
I got my hands full again this year. Finished up the expansion and just need more time in the day. And a younger less broken body while I'm at it!
Glad to have you in, caught up or not.
Your tent is way better than mine!  :party:
Excellent updates Jason! Sorry it was hard to get dirt day going. Looks like you got the pods to show for it anyway! Your reaper cross looks mean, and I bet its delicious. 
What did you have the jigsaw with? Looks tasty. I have my first supers ripening now... white bhuts look like they're going to win the race. Can't wait to give them a try.
I can't believe how much better this season is going that last season. And much of it is because of the seeds and advice you guys have supplied!
How did you go about fermenting the sriracha.
Spicegeist said:
Wow, very cool.  Congrats on the fresh pod...
Thanks Charles. I see you too had your first pod of the season! So ditto on that!
jedisushi06 said:
Damn what's that reaper crossed with??? Thanks for the awesome pics!!!!
I have been keeping that a secret. ;)

I can tell you this though...
Brown bhutlah SLP is looking good!

windchicken said:
Your tent is way better than mine!  :party:
I will take your word on that. Not sure if thats true though. You always do things proper!
Mine came together a bit behind schedule, but is serving its purpose. :)
stickman said:
Dang Jason, you're well and truly launched buddy! You've worked hard to get to this point so I'll try not to be too jealous... ;)
Thank you Rick. I still have a ton of work! Hoping to go on vacation after everything is in the ground! That's when the work is over, and before the picking begins! You have more plants in the ground than I do at this moment. I'm the jealous one here!
maximumcapsicum said:
Excellent updates Jason! Sorry it was hard to get dirt day going. Looks like you got the pods to show for it anyway! Your reaper cross looks mean, and I bet its delicious. 
What did you have the jigsaw with? Looks tasty. I have my first supers ripening now... white bhuts look like they're going to win the race. Can't wait to give them a try.
I can't believe how much better this season is going that last season. And much of it is because of the seeds and advice you guys have supplied!
How did you go about fermenting the sriracha.
Thanks Adam! Mother nature is always making the decisions! We just work around her.
I had the jigsaw with a Cali style burrito. Black beans and rice, with chicken, pico, lettuce, cheese, corn salsa, cilantro and fresh chopped jalapeño. It went perfect. Sliced the half's vertically into slivers and topped bites until it was gone.
Was a good lunch!
I learned so much from this site before I ever joined. Shared knowledge is a good thing! Each season getting better is the goal. Mother nature throwing a wrench in your works from time to time, keeping us on our toes. And we continue to learn!

The sriracha was following a recipe that salsalady posted. I followed it, except using Thai peppers and more. I will see if I can find it for you. I let it ferment for just over a month. The recipe called for only a week. I got slack and just let it ferment. It only made it better!
JJJessee said:
That Jigsaw is a beauty.  Perfect pebbling, a balance of symmetry and asymmetry on a conic ribbed frame. High cheek-bones. 
She comes from good genes I'd say.
Good eye tripleJ. I thought the same thing right as I split the pod open. Still seems unstable from pods seen last year. This one did turn out nice though. Wanting to see what everyone else's pods turn out like along with my other two plants.
Jamison said:
Awesome pics J!  That Jigsaw looks so damn cool.  I love the texture to that thing.  Ribbed for your pleasure ;)   Reaper X looks to be next eh?
Thanks brother! I'm agreeing! Cool pod!
And your right. I gave that riper reaper cross a squeeze and it is about ready. Starting to give a bit, so it is getting soft. Seeds should be plenty ripe!
Could take it any day now!
Wow miss a day or two and things get nuts here!
The Reaper crosses look good, I see a face in that one on the left. Kinda resembles me waking up at 4:15 on Mondays ;)
The Jigsaw pod looked perfect, almost too good to eat. Glad you and your buddies enjoyed it. I brought a couple in today for tasting, it's been quite awhile since eating fresh pods. The Yellow Brain got our attention!
Have a great week!
Devv said:
Wow miss a day or two and things get nuts here!
The Reaper crosses look good, I see a face in that one on the left. Kinda resembles me waking up at 4:15 on Mondays ;)
The Jigsaw pod looked perfect, almost too good to eat. Glad you and your buddies enjoyed it. I brought a couple in today for tasting, it's been quite awhile since eating fresh pods. The Yellow Brain got our attention!
Have a great week!
I was expecting my tolerance to be down, but handled it well. I have been pulling frozen pods and burning myself up all winter though. I have had a yellow brain about destroy me. One would be hot and delicious and the next just hurt me bad. I love their smell!
jedisushi06 said:
Okay cool no worries, i'd love to grow it next year if your willing to pass me some seeds!
:cool: I might keep that one on my sole project list. Will let you for sure.
meatfreak said:
The brown Bhutlah looked pale green to me unripe and now it looks more Caramel like? Very gnarly pod nonetheless :D
Your attention to detail Stefan! Top notch!
Very pale green. Was wondering if it was going to turn red or brown with them being such a pale color. I will take the caramel color anytime. I actually was trying have a caramel theme this year, and have a few other caramels going. :D
One of the other SLP bhutlahs has set pods. It looks like it is throwing out different shaped pods too, but they are still too small to be sure.
I'm not positive of the generation for this cross from Peter. I looks to be pretty young still.
I also like the texture on that first pod.
I am impressed with this first one for sure and can't wait to try it!