breeding Galapagos Red Habanero x CGN 21500 Cross

MiChris said:
Update this week. These plants continue to outpace the rest of my peppers. Most of the early dark coloration has gone but my thoughts are that once they hit real sunlight it will come back. Also added a close-up pic of one plants from the side.

Galapagos red habanero x CGN 21500 cross (2-14-15)

Close up
they look very well, r u going to transplant soon?
Update for this week. The plants continue their strong growth, I will be potting them up tomorrow and during the week. I've included a close-up picture of the same plant from last week as well as a comparison picture of my CGN 21500 plant that was planted a couple weeks after these. The CGN 21500 plant has very dark coloration in comparison to what the cross ever had.

All 17 plants

Close-up plant #3

Comparison of CGN21500 (left) and Galapagos red habanero x CGN 21500 cross (right)
Weekly update. Plants continue to grow surprisingly fast. More than half are starting to show buds. I snipped of the buds on all except 1 plant and will continue to do so until planted outside. I repotted all these plants today into 1 gallon nursery pots. Plant #4 is lagging behind the rest.

All 17 plants repotted.

Close up of buds. I will be leaving them on this plant until they open just to be able to observe the flowers.

Isolated picture of plant #6
Helvete said:
Very beautiful, the CGN21500 sure does give some nice leaf tones.  I'm glad people are branching away from crossing with PDN for those colors :)
just as a reference:
Thanks for the link, somehow I missed this posting. Very interesting, I see that you noted that the CGN 21500 x 7PB was a fast grower too. Seems to be similar to what I'm seeing. I haven't seen a chinense grow this fast before.
I got a few CGN-21500 Crosses in mind this year. Plan on crossing with the White Fatalii, orange wild brazil and a few others to see what I can get. 
Yours are looking great so far. Can't wait to see them once they start to pod up. 
D3monic said:
I got a few CGN-21500 Crosses in mind this year. Plan on crossing with the White Fatalii, ...
I think the white-with-dark-purple-streaks coloration you'd get in a small minority of your F2 generation would really be eye-catching as an ornamental that probably tastes damn fine, too!

I think the F1 generation would all have red fruit. The chance against any individual F2 seedling bearing white fruit is 16:1. There would be a majority of red-fruited plants in the F2 generation, with some orange-fruited plants, a very few yellows, and one white-fruited plant in 16 samples... in a statistics textbook.
You'd have to grow quite a few plants to reliably get even one, but i'd love to see the pictures of that one.
It's been a while since I've updated the progress on this grow but here we go. The plants are doing great, I have 7 growing in pots and 6 in the garden. All have many, many pods. As seen in the pictures the pods are green with purple where the sun hits them. This is characteristic of the CGN 21500 and not the Galapagos red habanero. Some pods are ripening now, mostly the medium-sized pods from early in the year. I do have 10 isolated pods from 4 different plants.



As for the flavor and heat. I'm not the greatest reviewer but here it goes. I am very happy with this pod. The flavor is a good, strong habanero flavor but perhaps a bit fruitier, leaning towards the flavor of the CGN 21500. The heat is moderate, much more than the Galapagos red habanero but not as much as the CGN 21500, probably closer to the CGN 21500. It seems to be a very delayed heat too, strengthening after a minute or so, mostly in the front of the mouth. The heat level is right where I like it though, hot but usable. Most times for me the extreme superhots are too hot. The pod is nice and meaty too. The pods I have tasted so far are the medium-sized, early pods.

I plan on cooking with them and making powder. I will also be freezing some as well. After that 10% is used up I have no idea. I for sure will be giving a lot away, including some here on the site so that I can get other's opinion on the taste and heat.
Oh yeah, going to make some sauce too.
Nice looking peppers and sound tasty!
I would enjoy trying them when you are ready.  Perhaps we could swap SFRBs of what we are growing this season.
cone9 said:
Nice looking peppers and sound tasty!
I would enjoy trying them when you are ready.  Perhaps we could swap SFRBs of what we are growing this season.
Sounds like a plan, I should have more ready pretty soon.
The_DoGMaN said:
That's awesome.  Those pods looks great.  I'd love to grow some out.  If you are interested in swapping some seeds let me know.
Sure. I will have tons of seeds, but maybe not a lot of isolated seeds.
cone9, on 25 Aug 2015 - 1:11 PM, said:
cone9 said:
Nice looking peppers and sound tasty!
I would enjoy trying them when you are ready.  Perhaps we could swap SFRBs of what we are growing this season.
Sounds like a plan, I should have more ready pretty soon.

If you're in, PM me a mailing address and I can get a box out to you the first of the week.  You can see what I'm growing in my glog:
Not everything is producing now (Choc mini is done, Tiger's Teeth, Scorpion Tongue, Goat's Weed, Legacy and Manzanos not ready yet) but if there are peppers you'd particularly like to try (or not have) you can let me know and I'll pack toward that goal.  Otherwise, I'll load up a nice assortment - the Tepin x Lemon Drops are very nice.
You can return a box to me when ready.