Not sure if frost is going to hit tonight or tomorrow night. It is starting to look like it will be tomorrow night, but still picking and packing by flash light just in case. Kids helping. Trying to get every last possible order out. Even leaving what is left in the online store up till the last moment. The flashlights bobbing up and down along with the colder weather got me to thinking on temperature and light.
Like many pepper growers, I look to literature on growing canabis because those growers are often top notch due to the money involved. In those sources, I have read warnings about interrupting light cycles. From what I have read, it can cause plants to get confused and stop producing right. Although I don't think flash lights for a short period of time will harm peppers, nor does it matter this close to the first frost, I am wondering about mid summer lighting.
When the temperatures get over 100, I have a hell of a time not getting wicked tired very fast. Have been thinking about putting some street light type things or maybe flood lights up on top of some poles. Goal being to escape the summer heat by doing my weeding and other work after dark.
What do you think? Would lighting up sections of the field to garden at night confuse the heck out of the peppers, maybe retard pod production?
OK, back to the garden... where did my flashlight go?
Like many pepper growers, I look to literature on growing canabis because those growers are often top notch due to the money involved. In those sources, I have read warnings about interrupting light cycles. From what I have read, it can cause plants to get confused and stop producing right. Although I don't think flash lights for a short period of time will harm peppers, nor does it matter this close to the first frost, I am wondering about mid summer lighting.
When the temperatures get over 100, I have a hell of a time not getting wicked tired very fast. Have been thinking about putting some street light type things or maybe flood lights up on top of some poles. Goal being to escape the summer heat by doing my weeding and other work after dark.
What do you think? Would lighting up sections of the field to garden at night confuse the heck out of the peppers, maybe retard pod production?
OK, back to the garden... where did my flashlight go?