spysee said:Anyone have a good garlic butter recipe with fresh garlic? Looking for something that you would find in a pizza restaurant on their knots/breadsticks/crust.
texas blues said:
A medium whole head of minced garlic to a pound of butter is about right.
Bear in mind that most restaurants that offer such items, especially pizza joints, don't really use butter but rather partially hydrogenated butter like products.
They taste good but are the equivalent to garlic flavored hypertension/cancer.
Eat at your own risk.
JayT said:
I know it is so horrible for you that I an actually feel my arteries hardening as I eat it, but I just LOOOOOVE that stuff Papa John's gives out.
Dash-dash 2 said:Anybody have experience with storing (real) garlic butter? Does the garlic preserve well?
salsalady said:
Run the cloves through a food processor to get 'em all minced up. You can take some and put it in flat freezer bags. Freeze them flat. You can break of bits as needed for cooking and keep the rest frozen.