food garlic chili paste

Looking for a good recipe to use my little Thai peppers in. Thinking a Thai chili paste would be good but open to any recipe for this type of pepper. I have never made a paste before but I have a mortar and pestle.

100g Chiles
2 Small Bundles of Cilnatro
1 Head of Garlic
1/2 Lemon
5 Cardamom pods
5 Cloves
1/2 tbsp Cumin seeds
1/2 tbsp Coriander seeds
1 tsp salt

1. process the dry spices first
2. then add the garlic and keep processing
3. add the chiles, cilantro and process until you reach a smooth texture
4. squeeze 1/2 a lemon and mix the juice into the paste

*keep in the fridge

Try here as well...
Awesome, thank you Omri. Now to decide which sounds better. I will probably go with the Skhug because I love olive oil.