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Gassy 2009-2010 Season Summary

Well, it has been a sh!t of a first time growing (thanks to possums and mites), and I know I won't be seeing any pods this season either, but here's what I'm left with as we near the end of the season here. I'm hoping to keep these guys alive over the winter to have a head-start for next season.

Dorset Naga:

Manzano Amarillo:

Choc Habanero:

Guntur (Sannam?). I must have planted over a hundred seeds before I got this little baby growing. I got the seeds from dried pods imported from India. A nice little reminder to myself that persistence pays!
Sweet Chocolate. Looking very leggy but we'll see what happens...

Scotch Bonnet Red:

Aji Panca. Both looking a little worse for wear, but once again, we'll see what happens...
Bhut Jolokia looking very sorry due to sh!thead mite infestation. I'm gonna bite the bullet today and go git some chemicals. I've had enough!

Explosive Ember growing new leaves after being stripped by possums.

Choc Habanero. This one has been mauled and stripped by possums numerous times but still continues to grow. I think I'm gonna keep him :D
I also have another 15 or so plants at mum's house but I think they're about to kick the bucket too! I don't think they're too happy about the amount of rain we have been getting here at the moment and have gone all yellow and are dropping leaves :cry:

I have a Yellow 7 there that looks OKish, so might have to bring it back here to give it a little TLC and see if that can't bring it back to health!

Overall this season, I must have lost 40+ plants.... but I'll be damned if I ain't giving it another shot next season! ahhahah
Well the plants you have left look nice and healthy hopefully they will stay that way over your winter.
You and I appear to suffer from similar defeat, other than the possums of course.
I am going to be trying something different with my up and comming seedlings to prevent pests.
Before I was trying to do everything natural without pesticides but to no avail it did not work.
This time I will do anything to salvage my work and efforts! I have declared war on the mites and aphids!

Goodluck with your plants dude!
FadeToBlack said:
Well the plants you have left look nice and healthy hopefully they will stay that way over your winter.
You and I appear to suffer from similar defeat, other than the possums of course.
I am going to be trying something different with my up and comming seedlings to prevent pests.
Before I was trying to do everything natural without pesticides but to no avail it did not work.
This time I will do anything to salvage my work and efforts! I have declared war on the mites and aphids!

Goodluck with your plants dude!

Thanks, mang! Good luck to the rest of your season too!

I was in the same boat... no pesticides for me! I had an aphid problem at the start of the season and neem took care of that quick smart... why wouldn't it work on mites? I don't know.... but it doesn't! I bit the bullet today and bought some miticide... not the strongest stuff, but we'll see what happens.

I've been trying malathion, it seems to be helping at least. Most of the plants since I have started spraying have started new growth that is healthy.
I think probably the most damaging thing these pests can do at times is to spread diseases throughout your garden and plants.
I will keep you updated on my progress.
FadeToBlack said:
I will keep you updated on my progress.

Awesome, please do. I was gonna get the malathion too but opted for a gentler synthetic pyrethroid instead. If that fails, I will most certainly be grabbing something from the higher shelf....
one word of advice gas....BEFORE you bring any plants inside for overwinter...treat the area you are going to put them with a pesticide...natural or other...AND treat each one of your plants carefully and totally before bringing them inside too, even the soil with a good pesticide/slug bait...

remember, once you bring the plants inside, there are no natural predators that can eat the baddies...
AlabamaJack said:
one word of advice gas....BEFORE you bring any plants inside for overwinter...treat the area you are going to put them with a pesticide...natural or other...AND treat each one of your plants carefully and totally before bringing them inside too, even the soil with a good pesticide/slug bait...

remember, once you bring the plants inside, there are no natural predators that can eat the baddies...

Not sure how I'm going to over-winter them yet. As our winters don't get massively cold here, I'm considering a mini greenhouse. My other thought was, bringing half inside and keeping half outside (in the mini greenhouse?) and compare the results. Will most certainly make sure that the ones that come inside are mite-free and the area they will be sitting is taken care of too.

So far, most of the plants I have left are only babies and I have only just started hardening off... they haven't seen much of the outdoors and are so far mite-free (I guess it's inevitable, but I like to think they are gonna stay that way). Either way, I ditched most of my infested plants but kept one Bhut to experiment with (try pesticides, etc).... it will most certainly not be coming in for the winter!
I'm the same gas.. not sure how i'll go 'bout overwintering but figure i'll figure it out by the time comes.. atm thinking of a mini greenhouse as there are some plants i want to keep.. that or i'll bring 'em all inside.. might put me in trouble with mrmel though :P
mel said:
might put me in trouble with mrmel though :P

I'm lucky... I guess... I don't got a gassy lady to worry about that with. Although, my flatmate might have something to say about it........
its all good.. mrmel does pretty much what i says.. or at least puts up with it with minimal whijging :D he'll be right mate!
Gasificada, how cold do the winters get there?
I leave my plants outside all winter with temps dropping into the 50's F Occasionally.
I've always thought Australia to be a warm climate much like it is here.