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Gassy 2009-2010 Season Summary

FTB, let's just say, not too cold! I remember last winter being quite a warm one indeed.

I reckon it'll be safe enough to leave all my plants outside, but I figure I'll bring some in -- just in case.

At the moment, I'm just playing it by ear and will figure it out when the time comes.....
gasificada said:
I'm lucky... I guess... I don't got a gassy lady to worry about that with. Although, my flatmate might have something to say about it........

Ok, I am lost in the Aussie lingo, what is a flatmate? A buddy you ran over with your pickup truck???
Matt50680 said:
Ok, I am lost in the Aussie lingo, what is a flatmate? A buddy you ran over with your pickup truck???

:rofl: She wouldn't let me have plants in the house so I ran her down...

A flatmate is someone you share a house or unit/apartment with.
MrArboc said:
Roommate to the Americans. A flat mate is a whole other thing;)

Ah, roommate... that's the one what the yanks call them. I couldn't think so I just explained what one was instead ;)

BTW, what's the 'whole other thing'? They actually have friends they run over in their pickup trucks!? :shocked: :rofl:
gasificada said:
BTW, what's the 'whole other thing'? They actually have friends they run over in their pickup trucks!? :shocked: :rofl:

Not really. Don't ask Pippy what happened to that inflatable sheep...
Haha! About an hour after spraying my plants with miticide, a possum thought it would come have a nibble. Funny... the damage wasn't nowhere near as bad as it usually is...

Stupid possums! :rofl:
Bah! It's been overcast and rainy here for over a week now... and the forecast calls for another week of it! Very unusual for Brisbane, I tells ya!

My little fellas are starting to become very leggy..... reckon I should go buy some grow lights or what?
I think you better invest in a shotgun and a spotlight to keep the possums at bay, then make some possum stew. I dont know how hillbillies eat them things, they look like a screwy rat and I wouldnt eat a rat either!
A possum is a marsupial, so it's kin to the roo. Dunno if I'd eat one but I'd sure give it a terminal case of lead poisoning.
dunno bout the grow lights.. but you've gotta do something about those possums! can you put the plants in a cage the possums cant get to?

we've had weird weather here too.. lots of overcast humid days but the sun has poked through now and then..
mel said:
dunno bout the grow lights.. but you've gotta do something about those possums! can you put the plants in a cage the possums cant get to?

we've had weird weather here too.. lots of overcast humid days but the sun has poked through now and then..

I was thinking about building a big-ass cage some time back but decided it's not worth the effort and expense right now. Next season I'm thinking about setting up a big-ass net (deterrence rather than protection) but will have to talk to the landlord about that first. Back to this season though -- as soon as I pot up the baby plants I got now into larger pots and it becomes a hassle bringing them in at night, I'm just gonna whack some stakes in the ground and wrap some kind of cheap mesh around the stakes. Last night I just had them out for awhile cause I had sprayed them... I was actually about to bring them in when the incident occurred. And I tell ya what, I just happened to spot the little shit take a bite and he didn't like what he tasted! He actually shrieked and then bolted. :rofl:
heheh shrieking possums eh? at least he didnt like the taste :D.. my dad used to have these big a$$ cages for the dogs when he used to go out hunting.. you just need to get your hands on one of them :D
There's this spray I saw at the hardware the other day called Poss Off. It's like a mix of Garlic, Chilli and Citronella I think and you spray your plants and it's supposed to deter possums. I been meaning to give that a try too but am not holding my breath that it will actually work.
I hear the little turd bucket scampering around out there now. I grabbed the wooden spoon and went in search but I can't see it. It's taunting me I tell ya and when I find it, it's gonna get a whack it'll never forget!
just leave the spoon near the plants and that possum should stay away.. wooden spoons work you know!