Well, Spring has arrived here in the Land of Oz and it's all starting to happen. I thought I would quit being a lazy bones and start a glog this season. Even though I'm so far behind where I had planned to be at this point, things are running along smoothly enough. I released some Neoseiulus californicus predator mites about a month ago to take care of my broad mite problem and so far, they are being amazing. A month later and I have yet to see any new signs of broad mite activity. It is still early days though and time will tell just how effective the little buggers are. And of course, I still have to get on top of the fruit fly problem (not looking forward to that one). With Spring here and new pods forming, the little bastages can't be too far around the corner. 
A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.
Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:
Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:
Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:
Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:
No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs:
NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:
CGN 21500 - coming into second year:
CGN 21566 - coming into second year:
Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:
Thanks for looking!

A few piccies to get the show on the road. Not gonna backtrack or anything now... just some random shots of some of what's going on.
Rooster Spur - putting out first pods:
Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion F2's:
Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:
Naga Jolokia Purple x Hot Summer F1:
No chemicals in use here anymore - ladybug and lacewing eggs:

NOT Dorset Naga - coming into third year:
Trinidad Scorpion ButchT - coming into third year:
CGN 21500 - coming into second year:
CGN 21566 - coming into second year:
Pimenta da Neyde - coming into second year:
Thanks for looking!