Hey there,
I have just stumbled upon your brilliant website and I must say that I'm sure I'll be soaking up all the info it has to offer for some time.
I have been growing chilli for many years and currently have about seven different varieties.
I had previously only been eating chilli fresh and turning them into dried chilli flakes. However this past year I have ventured into making my own hot sauce preserved in bottles. I will soon be starting my fifth batch.
I have just stumbled upon your brilliant website and I must say that I'm sure I'll be soaking up all the info it has to offer for some time.
I have been growing chilli for many years and currently have about seven different varieties.
I had previously only been eating chilli fresh and turning them into dried chilli flakes. However this past year I have ventured into making my own hot sauce preserved in bottles. I will soon be starting my fifth batch.