labels Gemini Crow Labels: The Last Labels

Greetings all!
Long time no chat.
Anyone who has been following me for the last 4.5 years know my OCD/Major issues and frustration with my hot sauce labels. I won't go into it any further; that's for my therapist to figure all out....LOL
Anyways, Worked with a hot sauce peer this time around who does graphic design for a living and we have worked together for the last several months on my latest and what will be the final re-design of my labels.  I love them. I have spent hours pouring over them and making tweaks. I'm at the point where I don't see any tweaks or corrections left to make, so I put it in your hands. Cosmetically I love it. Welcome any thoughts and or criticisms, good or bad. Mainly looking for any critical errors I may have missed. The labels will look the same through all the sauces with the main difference being the color scheme.
Looking to go to print before the end of the month. Won't do em all at once as I want to go through what I have left. Hope for a full re-launch by Feb/March 19 with all sauces being under this new look.
Have at it & Thanks!

The Hot Pepper said:
You are missing a dot after www.
I would remove www altogether anyway. It's a bit old school, most websites lose it... for example just looks weird
You need a comma after Lemons, it reads as Lemons Limes.
And in between Salt & Tumeric. 
That first jason slasher sauce you make is the bomb too btw. One of my neighbors, Mr. Haunt, who reviews haunted houses here in NJ during Halloween got me the autographed bottle as a gift a few months ago. 
Just saw the matchup one. Hope it's not too late. You need allergen gallery for the honey!
And probably for wotcesterdhitebsauce for fish... Anchovies....and maybe for Soy.