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General Lawn Care

Voodoo 6


Would anyone happen to know what those lawn care specialist use to make lawns look like golf courses in the middle of the desert? My lawn (which shouldn't exist in the desert) is just sucking down water and looks pretty weak. I understand iron plays an important part in soil conditioning. I usually see they come in with a tank of lawn crack and spray it on, anyone know whats in it??

They use constant care and lots of water. They scalp the grass so that the lawn doesn't grow like it should - thus the constant care. You don't want your lawn to be like that.

Good lawn maintenance will require aeration, fertilization, proper watering, and proper mowing. That last one is important - most people cut their grass way too short. What you want is deep roots for best lawn health, and taller grass makes deeper roots. You also want to be sure you have the right kind of grass for your area.

There's a lot more than I can share here, really. But the last three places I lived before moving to the farm, I had the best lawn in the neighborhood. I owe almost all of it to this book: https://www.amazon.com/Scotts-Lawns-Your-Guide-Beautiful/dp/B0002H7GEE
That will help you figure out a lot!
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Greetings and Thank You, I did find a copy of the scotts manual, i did lay down a bunch of iron on the lawn and its pretty much going bezerk, greening up pretty well with less watering, also going to let the grass grow and go to seed, before mowing. I remember this one time in the jungle while navigating and the magnetic compass pretty much spun in circles, very high iron content. Weird
