geopot vs smartpot

when it comes to growing whats better? does one grow bigger better plants or is it just the name brand/quality factor?
anything will help
i plan on grown 5-6 plants in 15G pots this year maybe a few more and see if it makes a difference since im in a short season area and maybe grow 1 in a bigger container to compare, ive seen massive plants in 65G ones but i dont think my grow season is long enough for that lol
Thy only things I can say of what one is better geopot vs smartpot, the "Tan" geopots rotted on me, and the blacks didn't but from that I wont buy geopots again. I also think the Fabric of the smart pots are a little better.
I never Noticed any real differences in the plants Growth Geo vr Smart. .  I like the biggest pots I can use, if I could I use 100 gal per plant I would but most likely 20 to 40 gal.  and 5 plants in a few 100 gal pots..   I think Geo's are a little cheaper but I think they are not as good as the Smartpots.. 
I'm attempting to use root pouches for the first time this upcoming season.  I've started by overwintering a Moruga in a 3g root pouch that I will transplant into a 5g root pouch around April'ish when I put it outside.  All my plants this year will be in root pouches.  Since I've never used these before, I have no idea whether this will be a disaster or not.
There are various threads on the forum where people show the root balls after growing in root pouches and they're pretty impressive.  It's the reason I've decided to try them out this season.
I'm currently using both smart pots and root pouches. At first my opinion was exactly the same as some of you: Sturdier and thicker than the smart pots. But just last week I had 2 plants in root pouches fell down in some wind. I realized the smart pots of the same size (5 gal each) are shorter and a bit wider than the root pouches giving them much better stability, which is a plus for me. 