• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GeorgeJ's 2013 Tokyo-a-grow-grow - finishing off this season

Hey all.

First time growing from seed.
Thought I would start off with the grow box I built.

My apartment is so cold that I've built this box to sit in the closet and using a heat mat To keep things warm throughout. Not enough space or money to do everything separate.

So I built this box from Styrofoam and aluminium insulation sheeting. Managed to get everything from the 100 yen shop (japans version of the dollar store).

Here's it from the outside, in the closet (no gay jokes please) :

On the inside there's a 50w fluorescent strip light I got for free with my axolotl tank. It's suspended from bamboo canes on wires, so I can adjust the height of the light as well as hopefully flexing in an earthquake.
To the left hand side, a small fan (also from an aquarium) which is pretty gentle to help toughen up the seedlings and prevent damping off.


It was alot brighter before putting the heat mat in, so I may put some thin aluminum foil over it. Thoughts?

I'm gonna prep the seeds and pots, so that's it for now.
Had a quick look at my 7 pots this morning.
I have a couple of (what looks like) lacewing eggs . tiny little things, i almost missed them!
good to have around!
topping my yellow 7 pots seems to have been a decent move!


and in other news, 2 of my Butch T flowers seem to have pollinated (the male parts of the plant and petals have fallen away - from experience that means pods 9 times out of ten, with my habaneros at least)
white habanero finally starting to bloom.


went outside to put some sticky traps next to my 7 pots. i've had some black flies hanging around them (only on one side of the house).

Whilst i was out there i spotted one of the Lace wings that has been laying its eggs all over my plants. offered to buy it a beer to thank it but it declined ;)
hopefully it stays clear of the sticky traps!
Lacewings and white hab flowers... :woohoo: :dance:
The white hab seeds I sent you were from some Jellybean white habs, so they should pod up quick for you. If you've never had them before... they may be small but they're still habs and they'll light up your life! Cheers!
stickman said:
Lacewings and white hab flowers... :woohoo: :dance:
The white hab seeds I sent you were from some Jellybean white habs, so they should pod up quick for you. If you've never had them before... they may be small but they're still habs and they'll light up your life! Cheers!
Excellent! yeah i was really hoping that they are the jellybean type. everything i read about them sounds awesome! productive, small and hot as a regular hab.
Hopefully one will pod (need to leave the fan on tomorrow as the habs are indoors).

The lacewings have laid eggs even on the railing next to the 7 pots. they love those plants! eggs everywhere!
georgej said:
Excellent! yeah i was really hoping that they are the jellybean type. everything i read about them sounds awesome! productive, small and hot as a regular hab.
Hopefully one will pod (need to leave the fan on tomorrow as the habs are indoors).

The lacewings have laid eggs even on the railing next to the 7 pots. they love those plants! eggs everywhere!
I think the Lacewings instinctively know that peppers are Aphid magnets, and choose their egg-laying sites accordingly. Good job!
stickman said:
I think the Lacewings instinctively know that peppers are Aphid magnets, and choose their egg-laying sites accordingly. Good job!
hoping that the larvae can take care of the horde when it hits.
i got some aphid pesticide today for worst case scenario anyway. put too much effort into these plants to stand back and wait for ladybugs to land etc, but if the larvae are already there, awesome!
cheers fella!

Worked 12 hours, but went out for bbq  with my wonderful wife after work. evens out eh!

ah and i  came home and all of a sudden was blessed with 10 new flowers on my butch t, 2 on my bhut, 2 on my ghost scorpion, 2 on my red hab, 6 on my white hab, , 2 on my dorset naga.
good present!
building next door just got demolished so the 7 pots are gettin a bit more light.

7 pot brown

7 pot orange

another orange

7 pot Burgundy

7 pot yellow

plenty of new growth on this 7 pot brown

7 pot yellow

[SIZE=10.5pt]my bad habanero[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]one of the butch T havin a mid day wilt[/SIZE]

there's more, trade ya for a bump
Bump! Cool that your 7's will be getting more light... don't be surprised if they start to lose the larger leaves though. It's not a bad thing actually... if they don't need all that surface area to photosynthesize adequate food for growth they jettison some of it. Cheers!
[SIZE=10.5pt]my butch t thats riddled with flowers

[SIZE=10.5pt]dorset naga
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Jamaican hot chocolate
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]White habanero
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]White Habanero
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Scotch Bonnet
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Red Habanero OW that's startingto set fruit and flower like crazy
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]peach Ghost Scorpion
[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]