The next "day of open doors" at IPK Gatersleben is on 4th of June 2016.
Dozens of the people that maintain our beloved "CAP"-Accession will give answers and you'll have the posibillity to take a tour through the institute, the gardens and the greenhouses.
And (as I were there already for work-reasons) can tell you: It's worth it. Not only seeing the HUGE Fridge with all these billions of seeds, but also so many of the capsicum-species (and other stuff) that's in the greenhouses.
Would be fun, to meet one or another of you there!
Dozens of the people that maintain our beloved "CAP"-Accession will give answers and you'll have the posibillity to take a tour through the institute, the gardens and the greenhouses.
And (as I were there already for work-reasons) can tell you: It's worth it. Not only seeing the HUGE Fridge with all these billions of seeds, but also so many of the capsicum-species (and other stuff) that's in the greenhouses.
Would be fun, to meet one or another of you there!