That's the prediction for the next week and I think our shortest day is the 13th, possibly - so it's likely to stay somewhat similar.
I am thinking about buying these http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/food-beverage/fresh-produce/auction-600971078.htm and scraping the seeds straight out and germinating them..
What kind of success will I have?
And what kind of rocoto are they?
That's the prediction for the next week and I think our shortest day is the 13th, possibly - so it's likely to stay somewhat similar.
I am thinking about buying these http://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/food-beverage/fresh-produce/auction-600971078.htm and scraping the seeds straight out and germinating them..
What kind of success will I have?
And what kind of rocoto are they?