seeds Germinating directly in soil, when to remove humidity cover?

I've had sprouts in the past that popped up, but still had the seed casing clamped onto the leaves, and actually stayed like that until it killed the seedling.
What causes this?
Should I be soaking my seeds beforehand?
Should I be leaving them covered until that drops off? 
I've read some places that the humidity dome should be removed as soon as the seed has germinated, so I'm also nervous about leaving it too long.
Can I manually remove the casing with tweezers?
I've got several seedlings just popping up and several of them have the seed casing still clamped on there. Having had trouble with it in the past, I want to make sure I don't lose these guys too.
Thanks for any advice!
I've had this happen numerous times and have had no problem with gently cracking and removing the seed shell. Not too sure if this is bad for the plant though.
it's called helmet head, search for that lots of threads
soaking / keeping the seed casing moist so the plant can push it off easier helps. (very humid environment or humidity dome etc)
cm609 said:
those helmet heads are examples of ones you dont need to worry about. See how the cotys are growing out of the seed casing anyway, and its sort of holding onto the end of the leaf only? in these cases the casing will either drop off, or the plant will just continue to grow normally with a seed casing stuck to its coty.
The ones you need to worry about are the ones where no green is showing through/outside of the seed casing.
I remove any kind of cover pretty much at first sign of germination. I would be careful not to leave them anywhere where they could dry out too quickly though. 