seeds-germination Germinating experiment: cups vs bags

Thanks for the great ideas. I'm convinced that I'm using cups from now on. I sowed most of my annuums and tomatoes on Saturday and spent a couple hours potting them up yesterday and today. I still have a few stragglers, but this method is so much faster than germinating in dirt or seed starter, and it lets you see what is going on with your seeds. That, and it takes up a hell of a lot less space in the germination chamber. I am getting at least 90% germination rates, and I like the fact that you don't have to sow 2 or three seeds per chamber. The only downside I can see is having to check them daily, but I would be doing it anyway.
I know this is an old post but I got some cups with lids put them on the mat seen no difference than the baggie method, I use small snack bags from wally world coffee filters from K-mart. Do not cut the filters except the corners after folding in half so the whole baggie is full of filter, lay 6-10 seeds in fold wet with two eye dropers of water with peroxide mix. both baggies and cups sprout seed in 3- 5 days both seen to work good.
I've been using coffee filters, as well, and I do sandwich the seeds between two of them. The coffee filters are light enough that the seedlings do actually push the top one up. I did also try just one on the bottom, but have had better success using two.
The 40 pak is $o.17 per unit plus tax.

The 125 pak is $o.09 per unit. (free shipping with Prime)
450 pak is $o.09 per unit plus tax.
Well, I can get 'em for FREE with 0 tax. :cool:

In fact, I've got some in my fridge right now. ;)

When I saw the pics above, I immediately recognized these guys - they are the same as the condiment cups for BBQ Sauce/Ranch Dressing/Salsa/etc. when I go buy a hot dog or taquito or something from QT! :cool:

Just rinse 'em out after I'm done eating, and instant free germination container! ;)

But looking at this thread closely, I'm still not sold on this germination technique, because...

Sorry if i missed this reading the thread, but how long did it take to germinate all 5 seeds?
7 days, for fairly easy to sprout seeds. :confused: So not really any better than the approach I use already (which involves soil) - particularly when you consider that even with identical sprout times, this method should still appear 1-3 days faster, as it lets you see when the root first starts emerging from the seed, rather than waiting until after the root is out, the cotyledons extract themselves from the seed coat, and the seedling grows enough to push up through and out of the soil!

Might be handy for hard-to-sprout varieties, however, as its basically surface sowing on a paper towel! But what advantage would a paper towel have over soil - if there was any difference, I would think the seed would naturally respond better to the later? :think:
ive used the cups as well and i gotta say i had great results with them. i also had great results with the paper towel and ziplock bag but with cup way i can see what the seeds are doing much easier and its alot easier to manage those cups then a bunch of plastic bags...
Just picked some up, and wanted to say thanks for the idea. A thought: for those that go the hydro way, I bet you could save a step by placing a seed in rockwool, wetting it down, and placing it in one of the little cups. Seems like it would retain the moisture a lot better.
After reading back through old posts i came across this one and thought id try to germinate some seeds that i kept from some naga jolokia pods that niel from thsc sent.
I used a the container that we get our craft cheese singles in with a paper towl and it only took 2 days for them to germinate.
This is only my second season growing but i never had seeds pop that fast.
i bought a seedling heat mat and the little cups and tried the paper towel i them, and not one sprouted after 20 days. at 10 days i filled solo cups with soil and planted 4 seeds per cup, 10 days later 3 of each have sprouted! last night i filled the cups with soil and are trying that to see what works best for me.
This is cool - I hadn't thought of this - I'm old school, plant in dirt.
But dropping the seeds with little tails into some starter mix
would give you sprouts almost immediately, I suppose. I'm going to go
get a hamburger and and some portion cups! I might start a few
more seeds just to try it out.
I tried this 9 days ago. I have some sprouts. Now my question is,what do I do with them now? Do I put them in pots with potting soil under lights? How far down in the soil do I put them?
I tried this 9 days ago. I have some sprouts. Now my question is,what do I do with them now? Do I put them in pots with potting soil under lights? How far down in the soil do I put them?

Once they sprout, I put mine ASAP into a seedling starter mix, not potting mix because it tends to be too coarse, but almost anything will work. I use small cell containers (standard 72-cells per tray). Plant them 1/4-inch deep, keep them moist and warm, you should see them emerge to the surface in 3 to 7 days, depending on variety and your growing conditions. The light is not necessary until they break surface, but the warmth of the bulbs might be helpful if it is close to the deck.

The cup method is cool cause you get to see the actual germination, and see them come up later in the 'dirt' also..... :cool:
these cups look like a great idea. i just went into town and found a place that sells party supplies and found these soon as i walked in the door..


sure makes it alot easier then pulling open moist paper towels every day ...

hope they work as good as the test review :fireball:
Jeez, dude, lets party! You could do a James Bond "shaken, not stirred martini" in that thing. Might get a little tippy if you're starting a bunch of different seeds and trying to corral them in a tray over a heat mat.

It will work, but keep an eye on moisture in there. If the seeds are too high on the sides of the cup on the paper, it might dry out sooner than you think. Over time, you'll see moisture on the lid, but the paper below can actually dry out in places.

Party on... :cool: