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seeds Germinating seeds

Hello, I am a first time grower. I wanted to know if it's ok or recommended to water from the bottom while germinating?
I'm using Jiffy peat pellets and due to the air and heat mat it looks like the soil dries out very quickly. I have been mist spraying from the top about 3-4 times a day. Any suggestions/help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Spraying works for me. I have found it to be the most effective way of keeping the jiffy moist but not wet (which is what you want). The downside is that it does take more work, and as you said, they do dry out a lot quicker... so you really have to keep a close eye on them as you don't want them to actually literally "dry" at any stage. That's bad.

I used to bottom feed as I heard that top watering encourages mold growth, root rot, etc, but ironically, at least when jiffys are concerned, I have found it to be the opposite. Those things just suck that water up! Since switching to spraying to 'em (and having more control over the moisture levels), I've had far less instances of mold and that kind of stuff.

If you are having to spray 3-4 times a day, I reckon you can probably go a bit harder (and don't be afraid to spray the sides of the jiffy either). Just enough so you can get away with having to only spray them once, maybe twice, a day.

You could always try bottom watering too and see how it goes. Different methods work for different people. Find what works for you..... ;)
Hello, I am a first time grower. I wanted to know if it's ok or recommended to water from the bottom while germinating?
I'm using Jiffy peat pellets and due to the air and heat mat it looks like the soil dries out very quickly. I have been mist spraying from the top about 3-4 times a day. Any suggestions/help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I use plastic cups with holes drilled in bottom, I put em in saucers to catch water and keep em moist. JungleGrowth Pro Veggies and Herb mix is my favorite low cost potting soil. After trying many germination techniques the cups are the easiest to manage. Plus you don't have to transplant(handle) them as soon as with Jiffies since they are already in a good soil mix.
Hiya Megahot, I too am new to germinating seeds, just started my first batch two weeks ago. What I did was place the seeds inbetween two peices of wet papper towel then place it in a plastic zip lock bag. Then put it somewhere warm and wait til the seeds sprout. Most of the seeds took about a week, except 1 variety that took about 12 days. I've now planted them into trays of 12 using a starting mix. So far so good, I have atleast 10 healthy seedling growing. :dance:

One thing that I think helps alot is having a clear plastic cover to keep the moisture in.

Don't give up too quickly on your seeds, I had given up on one of my varieties, was going to throw it in the bin. Looked at it the next day and it had sprouted.
Hiya Megahot, I too am new to germinating seeds, just started my first batch two weeks ago. What I did was place the seeds inbetween two peices of wet papper towel then place it in a plastic zip lock bag. Then put it somewhere warm and wait til the seeds sprout. Most of the seeds took about a week, except 1 variety that took about 12 days. I've now planted them into trays of 12 using a starting mix. So far so good, I have atleast 10 healthy seedling growing. :dance:

One thing that I think helps alot is having a clear plastic cover to keep the moisture in.

Don't give up too quickly on your seeds, I had given up on one of my varieties, was going to throw it in the bin. Looked at it the next day and it had sprouted.

I am trying the paper towel in a zip lock baggy method as well. Seems to be working quite nicely so far. Seeds are opened up on one side, but thats it. Also, I put the baggy on a seedling heat mat.
I start them in the zip lock with damp paper towel. Once they crack and start growing a root place them root down in whatever soil and container you chose. Wait til the soil drys a bit. Water them. Not drown. Also watering from the bottom seems to work a lot better.

I bottom water everything...
Hi Megahot and welcome! :D

When I first started growing peppers I tried putting soil into a ice cube tray and used each cell for a different type of seed. It didn't work out for me though, I wasn't around enough to keep misting everything, so the soil dried out quickly. (essentially the same problem you're having with your pellets)

So I switched to the paper towel method, and that worked just fine but I wasn't happy about all the baggies I was using and I guess you could say I'm picky, but I wasn't fond of the the way the little seedlings had grown in the bags when I was finally able to get them into pots and it was a pain just getting them out of the paper towel without breaking their little roots.

So for the final method, I went to a craft store (Pat Catan's up here) and bought jello shot cups in the party section. I label the cups, put the seeds in and pre soak them for 24 hours, then dump out the water, put a small piece of paper towel on the bottom, spray with water and put the seeds on top of it then cover with the lid. Incredibly simple, and gives the little seedlings some room to grow if you can't get to them right away. I also enjoy re-using them more than I do baggies.

For your pellets its exactly what Gasificada said, don't want to over water them, just want to keep them moist and if you feel like you can't get to your pellets enough or its taking to much time out of your day to mist them, I suggest definitely trying the baggie or jello shot cup methods.

Good luck Megahot!
Megahot, you should really use a dome lid, then you shouldn't have to water constantly. That is if you are starting them in any kind of pot or pellet.
I start them in the zip lock with damp paper towel. Once they crack and start growing a root place them root down in whatever soil and container you chose. Wait til the soil drys a bit. Water them. Not drown. Also watering from the bottom seems to work a lot better.

Thanks Bud, I'm a bit worried trying i this way although I already am, I'm worried about how fragile the seedling will be when I plant it after
they sprout